
  • 网络tasly
  1. 他们首先参观了天士力制药股份有限公司的生产车间,亲身体会复方丹参滴丸的生产过程。

    First of all they visited the Tasly Pharmaceutical Company workshop , and personally observed the manufacturing process of Danshen Dripping Pills .

  2. 科研院所激励机制问题与对策研究&以天津天士力集团研究院为例

    Study on policy of encouraging system of institutes

  3. 中药复方专利侵权诉讼中公知技术抗辩研究&兼评天士力诉万成侵犯专利权案

    Defense of Publicly Known Technique in the Action of Infringement of Chinese Herbal Compound Patent : In the Perspective of a Case Study

  4. 引领植物药出口的国内龙头企业天士力、天狮及地奥也将分享他们的经验。

    Companies that lead the export of TCM and herbal drugs to US & EU market , such as Tastly , Di'ao and Tiens , will share their cases .

  5. 并结合天士力应用项目管理的实践,进一步说明了项目管理已经成为公司推进中药现代化的主要工具和战略手段,在加速中药产业信息化、标准化、现代化、系统化方面起到越来越重要的作用。

    The authors , furthermore , explained the more and more important role of project management in the informatization , standardization , modernization and systematization of the industry of Chinese Traditional Medicines .