
  • 网络Globes;Celestial globe
  1. 天体仪,古称“浑象”,是中国古代一种用于演示天象的仪器。

    The celestial globe was an instrument for demonstrating astronomic phe-nomena in ancient China .

  2. 天体仪的主要组成部分是一个空心铜球,球面上刻有纵横交错的网格,用于量度天体的具体位置;

    The main component of the celestial globe is a hollow bronze globe , with crisscross grids on the spherical surface , which are used to delineate the exact po-sition of celestial bodies .

  3. 研究天体仪是我一生的工作,我真不愿意看着它们消失在阴影里。

    The Orrery is my life 's work , and I would hate to see it pass into obscurity now .

  4. 两个极点的指尖,固定在一个正立着的大圆环上,大圆环嵌人水平大圈内,下面四根雕有龙头的立柱支撑着水平大圈,托着整个天体仪。

    It takes a night to finish a circle . The globe is placed in a standing hoop , which is beset into a horizontally placed hoop , suppor-ted by four pillars decorated with dragonhead patterns .

  5. 有时他甚至会悄悄地溜进博士的书房,坐在他的博学的脚旁的地毯上,轻轻地转动着地球仪和天体仪,环游世界,或在遥远的星际间飞行。

    sometimes he would even creep into the Doctor 's study , and , sitting on the carpet near his learned feet , turn the globes softly , and go round the world , or take a flight among the far - off stars .

  6. 中国古人很早就会制造这种仪器,它可以用来直观、形象地了解日、月、星辰的相互位置和运动规律,可以说天体仪是现代天球仪的直接祖先。

    The ancient Chinese people learned to make this instrument a long time ago , and used it to pinpoint the position of the sun , the moon , and the stars with respect to each other and to know their movement . The celestial globe is seen as the ancestor of the modern celestial globe .

  7. φ150毫米天体照相仪的研制

    Development and manufacture of a φ 150 mm astrograph

  8. 印制的天体或地球仪,不论是否有内部照明(不包括浮雕式和100多年以前印制的)

    Celestial or terrestrial globe printed with or without internal lighting ( excl. those in relief and those more than 100 years old )