
  • 网络OTORO;pián;Large-billed;upper abdomen
  1. 大腹园蛛鞭毛样丝蛋白cDNA克隆

    Cloning of araneus ventricosus flagelliform silk protein cDNA

  2. 中药大腹皮抑制肠道内毒素移位中iNOS、SP的作用

    Inhibitory role of iNOS and SP in intestinal endotoxin translocation induced by pericarpium arecae in rats

  3. A3制剂中大腹皮等质量控制与优化研究正交试验法优化加减银翘散的剂量组方

    Research on Quality Control and Optimization of Pericarpium Arecae and Other Herbs in A3 Preparation

  4. DAMP可部分阻断大腹皮对胃体环形肌条收缩波平均振幅的增大作用,而加拉明无明显作用。

    While , it is the4-DAMP , not gallamine , that blocked the effect of Pencarpium Arecae on the mean amplitude partly .

  5. 大腹园蛛(Araneusventricosus)粗毒双向电泳及质谱分析

    Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis and ESI-Q-TOF Analysis of the Crude Venom of Spider Araneus ventricosus

  6. 胃动素在大腹皮促动力效应中的变化及其意义

    Motilin changes and its significance in the kinetogenic effects of Pericarpium Arecae

  7. 大腹圆蛛丝蛋白的氨基酸组成分析

    Analysis of Amino Acid Components of Araneus Ventricous Spider Silk

  8. 大腹圆珠牵引丝的结构与性能分析

    Analysis of the Spider Silk 's Structure and Properties

  9. 大腹园蛛腺体丝蛋白溶液的分子构象

    Molecular Conformation of Spider Silk Fibroin of Araneus Ventricous

  10. 大腹皮对大鼠胃电节律失常的影响及其机制

    The effect of Pericarpium Arecae on gastric electro arrhythmia in rats and its mechanisms

  11. 大腹园蛛牵引丝在纺丝过程中的分子构象

    Molecular Conformations of Araneus Ventricosus Spider ′ s Dragline Silk in the Spinning Process

  12. 大腹圆蛛丝的拉伸机械性能

    Tensile Mechanical Properties of Araneus Ventricosus Spider Silk

  13. 大腹体型上衣结构分析与技术探讨大腹单的新制作

    Analysis of the Structure of Big Belly Clothing A New Method for Making Large Abdomenal Sheets

  14. 探讨利用大腹园蛛酯酶检测蔬菜中有机磷农药残留的技术和方法。

    A technique for detection of organophosphorous ( Ops ) pesticide residues was explored by measuring the activities of esterase from Araneus ventricosus .

  15. 利水中药泽泻、茯苓、茯苓皮、大腹皮、商陆对小鼠腹膜孔调控作用的实验研究

    Experimental Observation on Regulation of Peritoneal Stomata by Rhizoma Alismatis , Poria cocos , Poria peel , Pericarpium Arecae and Radix Phytolaccae in Mice

  16. 大腹圆蛛包卵丝的化学组成与物理机械性能水解蛋白质调味液中氯丙醇的形成及其控制

    Amino Acid Composition and Physical Mechanical Properties of Araneus Ventricosus Spider Egg-case Silk Formation and Control of Dichloropropanol in the Flavor Liquids of Hydrolytic Amino Acid

  17. 目的:观察大腹皮水煎剂对豚鼠胃体环行肌条的收缩活动,并探讨其作用机制。

    Objective : To observe the effects of water extracts of Pericazpium Arecae on contraction of isolated circular muscle strips of gastric body in guinea pigs and to explore its possible mechanisms .