
chì shēn
  • be naked;undress
赤身 [chì shēn]
  • (1) [naked]∶不穿衣服,裸露身子

  • 洗完澡赤身不要太久,小心着凉

  • (2) [a perosn who has nothing]∶指毫无牵挂

  • 赤身一人

  1. 记得电影《丝克伍事件》(Silkwood)吗?在片中,当梅丽尔·斯特里普(MerylStreep)饰演的角色赤身淋浴时,一些男人用刷子洗刷她,她痛苦地扭曲着身体。

    Remember the movie ' Silkwood , ' with Meryl Streep writhing in naked agony as men with brushes scrubbed her in the shower ?

  2. 他怕大家看他的赤身!

    He was afraid to let others see his naked body .

  3. 52他却丢下细麻布,赤身逃走了。

    But he left the linen cloth behind and fled naked .

  4. 另外,他不想让莱莫尔看到他赤身的样子。

    Besides , he did not want Lemore to see him naked .

  5. 供驾驶帆船、滑水、赤身潜泳的极好设施。

    Excellent facilities for sailing , water-skiing , and skin-diving .

  6. 赤身走路,更有胆略。

    For there 's more enterprise in walking naked .

  7. 倘若穿上,被遇见的时候就不至于赤身了。

    Because when we are clothed , we will not be found naked .

  8. 如果你可以赤身做战,又何须衣物?

    Who needs clothes when you can fight naked ?

  9. 林后五3若真的穿上,就不至于显为赤身了。

    2 cor.5:3if indeed , being clothed , we will not be found naked .

  10. 他们背着脸就看不见父亲的赤身。

    Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father 's nakedness .

  11. 为赤身的基督穿上衣服-借着你慈善的话语和保护别人的好名声。

    Clothe the naked Christ – by your charity in words and protecting the good name of others .

  12. 在本世纪早期,这一地区的一些印第安人常常赤身睡在吊床里。

    Some of the Indians of this region , earlier in the century , used to sleep naked in hammocks .

  13. 到那日,勇士中最有胆量的,必赤身逃跑。这是耶和华说的。

    And he that is courageous among the mighty shall flee away naked in that day , saith the LORD .

  14. 我对骑自行车为业余爱好厌倦了,因此我想去试试赤身潜水运动。

    I became bored with cycling as a hobby so I thought I 'd try my luck at skin diving .

  15. 见赤身的,给他衣服遮体。顾恤自己的骨肉而不掩藏吗。

    When thou seest the naked , that thou cover him ; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ?

  16. 谁也不愿在节日到来时像俗话所说的那样,“显得赤身光脚”。

    Nobody wants to be , as the saying goes , " caught barefooted and naked " when the Little Carnival arrives .

  17. 迦南的父亲含,看见他父亲赤身,就到外边告诉他两个弟兄。

    And Ham , the father of Canaan , saw his father unclothed , and gave news of it to his two brothers outside .

  18. 1841年7月,玛丽赤身裸露、伤痕累累的尸体从哈德森河中被拉了上来,嫌疑立刻落在佩恩身上。

    In July 1841 , Mary 's nude , lifeless , and battered body was pulled from the Hudson River , and suspicion immediately fell on Payne .

  19. 后来,他变得聪明起来,在率领赤身勇士捣毁德国种植园时,他把酒全部占为己有。

    Later , when he led his naked warriors down to the destruction of the Germen plantation , he was wiser , and he appropriated all the liquors .

  20. “忘了一件事了。”娜塔莎说道“我总是赤身肉搏的“。对于这个大块头的白人女子而言这又是一个挑战。

    " Forgot to mention one thing ," says Natasha . " I always fight in the nude . " It 's another challenge to the large white woman .

  21. 有谁听说一个女子结婚没有穿结婚的衣服呢?咳,我听说在公开场合“赤身?体”是不雅观的!

    Whoever heard of a young lady being married without something to be married in ? Well , I 've heard nudity is not the cheese on public occasions !

  22. 秘鲁的印加圣谷让哈尔托太太为之动容,于是她爬到车顶脱掉衣服赤身留影。

    In the Sacred Valley of the Incas , in Peru , Mrs. Harteau felt moved to climb onto the VW 's roof , strip off her clothes and pose naked .

  23. 你可以参照约伯的作法'他伏在地上下拜说:「我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回」赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华。

    You do what Job did : " Then befell to the ground in worship and said : " Naked I came from my mother 's womb , and naked I will depart .

  24. 这位演员早先在拍摄《权力的游戏》时曾主张裸戏平等化,此前他的角色赤身跳入池塘中,当时由于他本人受伤所以就用了替身。

    The actor previously argued for the equality of nudity in Game of Thrones , after his character was seen diving into a pool naked , but because of an injury a body double was used .

  25. 说,我赤身出于母胎,也必赤身归回。赏赐的是耶和华,收取的也是耶和华。

    And said , Naked came I out of my mother 's womb , and naked shall I return thither : the LORD gave , and the LORD hath taken away ; blessed be the name of the LORD .

  26. 影片《白雪公主与猎人》预告片一开头,由查理兹•塞隆饰演的邪恶皇后赤身出镜,吸食一个十几岁女孩的青春,并密谋撕裂白雪公主的心脏。

    In the first minute of the trailer for Snow White the Huntsman , evil queen Ravenna , played by Charlize Theron , strips naked , sucks the youth out of a teenage girl , and plots to rip Snow White 's heart from her chest .

  27. 影片《白雪公主与猎人》预告片一开头,由查理兹•塞隆饰演的邪恶皇后赤身出镜,吸食一个十几岁女孩的“青春”,并密谋撕裂白雪公主的心脏。

    In the first minute of the trailer for Snow White & the Huntsman , evil queen Ravenna , played by Charlize Theron , strips naked , sucks the " youth " out of a teenage girl , and plots to rip Snow White 's heart from her chest .