- 名polyribosome

Additionally , polysome immunoadsorption technique was used to partially purify a small amount of specific mRNA which directed in vitro synthesis of a specific protein , also having a - molecular weight of about 37 Kd .
In the present experiments the changes in content of ribosome and ratio of polysome to ribosome in liver post-mitochondrial supernatant ( PMS ) were investigated in Se-deficient and Se-supplemented rats .
Isolation of AFP polysomes of human embryonic livers by several immunoprecipitation methods
Rapid fractionation of polysomes by density gradient ultracentrifugation in vertical tube rotor
The mature egg cell was an inactive cell with only a few polysomes .
In operated side , Nissl bodies appeared as small clumps in large pale neurons .
Zygote at the dormancy stage had a small nucleolus and marked decrease in ribosomes , as shown by a few polysomes , which suggests decreased metabolism .
The Sertoli cells envelop the germ cells forming spermatocysts which show characteristic synchronous development . Mitochondria , polyribosomes , endoplasmic reticulum , Golgi bodies and vesicules were involved in the papilla formation ;
Zygotes in the prophase of mitosis and two-celled proembryo became active again in metabolism , for a prominent nucleolus , high density of ribosomes and increased number of polysomes in the cytoplasm .
At the early zygote stage , a large number of ribosomal precursors were produced by the nucleolus , and many polysomes appeared in the cytoplasm , which suggests a high level of metabolism .
Under TEM , mitochondria were swelled and deformed , endoplasmic reticulums were dilated , polyribosomes were disaggregated , the number of axons and dentrites as well as synapses were increased , moreover increasing synapses got more obvious as dependent time prolonged .