
  • 网络Base oil;PAO;carrier oil
  1. 将油和基础油混合,按摩直至皮肤吸收。

    Oils may be mixed with a base oil and massaged into the skin .

  2. α-烯烃(C8)聚合润滑油基础油的研究

    Polymerization of α - olefins to ( C_8 ) lubricating base oil

  3. 从API基础油分类谈对基础油质量的认识

    Discussion on the quality of base oil from API classification

  4. 利用FCC废催化剂混入白土精制加工润滑油基础油

    Refining lubricating base oil using FCC used catalyst mixing with clay

  5. 用DSC法评价基础油和添加剂的热氧化安定性

    Evaluation of thermal oxidation stability of base stocks and additives by differential scanning calorimetry

  6. GC-MS测定润滑油基础油族组成

    Determination of hydrocarbon types of lubricant base oil by GC - MS

  7. 基础油质量优良,可用来制取APIⅡ或Ⅲ类的高档润滑油。

    The base oil quality is excellent and it is suitable to produce the high grade lube oil of API group ⅱ or ⅲ .

  8. 微湿空气法处理SiO2/γ-Al2O3催化剂制润滑油基础油

    Treating the Catalyst SiO_2 / γ - Al_2O_3 for Producing Lubricating Base Oil by the Micro - Wetness Air Method

  9. 实验结果表明,Ag纳米颗粒具有良好的抗磨性,且能显著提高基础油的承载能力。

    Results showed that the Ag nanoparticles in liquid paraffin exhibited good antiwear property and could improve load carrying capacity of base oil remarkably .

  10. 本文首先从理论分析并由试验结果验证了次固结的时间和变形量的有限性。然而API基础油换用规则有局限性。

    Results of theoretical analyses and series of experiments on the limitation of the time and magnitude of the secondary consolidation deformation in clay are presented .

  11. (HS)级N32低温液压油基础油和稠化剂的选择及性能评定

    Selection and evaluation of base oil and thickening agent for vg32 ( hs ) lowtemperature hydraulic fluid

  12. 以多种TMP按一定比例混合作为二冲程油的基础油,比单一合成酯基础油具有更好的高、低温润滑性能和更高的粘度指数;

    The mixed ester has better high / low-temperature lubricity than any single composition in the mixture .

  13. Co、S、P元素参与形成了润滑膜,从而提高了基础油的减摩抗磨性能。

    From the EDS analyze can be speculated that the element of Co 、 S and P be attributed to the formation of the lubrication membrane , thus lead to a good tribological behavior .

  14. 加氢基础油能满足发展中ATF的规格要求

    Hydrogenated base oil in accordance with the specification requirements of evolving ATF

  15. 对于润滑剂则重点介绍有关发动机机油的分类和CC、CD级柴油机油及其基础油的性能,机油中使用的添加剂和其它润滑剂如齿轮油、润滑脂等也作了叙述。

    D. grade of diesel oil and its base oil are also given . Other lubricant , such as gear oil and grease , is also briefly described .

  16. OCP增粘剂在南阳基础油的应用评价

    The Evaluation of Application of OCP Viscosity Increaser of Nanyang Basic Oil

  17. 用脱氮基础油调制的HL液压油、TSA防锈汽轮机油可以降低添加剂用量。

    HL hydraulic fluid and TSA anti rust turbine oil formulated with denitrified base oil can reduce the consumption capacity of additives .

  18. 结果表明,DDP修饰ZnS纳米微粒作为润滑油添加剂能够明显提高基础油的抗磨能力。

    The results show that DDP-coated ZnS nanoparticles as oil additive can effectively enhance the antiwear ability of the base oil at low additive concentration .

  19. 介绍了我国第一套采用美国Chevron公司异构脱蜡工艺生产润滑油基础油的工业装置投产概况。

    An isomerization dewaxing unit firstly using Chevron technology in China for premium lube oil production has been put into production .

  20. 其摩擦机理为:首先,WS2纳米棒随着基础油进入到摩擦副之间,从而起到微轴承的作用;

    The tribological mechanisms were explained as follows : Firstly , the WS2 nanorods penetrated into the rubbing surface and rolled in rubbing surface ;

  21. 概述了近几年国外润滑油基础油临氢催化加工技术新进展,内容主要涉及Chevron和Mobil两个公司的相关技术。

    This paper reviews advances in foreign lube stock hydro catalytic processing technologies in recent years including that of Chevron and Mobil .

  22. 用PDSC热分析法研究润滑油、基础油的氧化安定性

    Studies on oxidation stability of lubricating oils and base oils by PDSC thermal analysis

  23. 通过对基础油组成和添加剂配方的精心选择,可以得到符合APICC和APICD级柴油机油。

    By selecting proper base oil and additives , the CC and CD grade diesel engine oils can be prepared with the effect of meeting the requirements of API CC and CD grade diesel engine oil .

  24. 采用Mo-Ni-P/-γAl2O3加氢催化剂,对中粘度的聚α-烯烃合成基础油进行加氢精制,精制前对加氢催化剂进行合理的预硫化。

    Hydrofining of medium viscosity poly - α - olefin lubricating base oil over Mo-Ni-P / γ - Al_2O_3 was studied . The Mo-N-P / γ - Al_2O_3 catalyst was sulfided before use .

  25. 本文应用DSC法评价了几种基础油及其添加剂的热氧化安定性,考察了单一添加剂和复合添加剂对基础油热氧化安定性的影响。

    DSC was used to evaluate the thermal oxidation stability of base stocks and their additives . The effects of single additive and composite additives on the thermal oxidation stability of base stocks were investigated .

  26. 利用分子模拟,以一种C30分子为例,研究了聚α-烯烃合成基础油在流体润滑和边界润滑时不同表现。

    The performances of poly-alpha-olefin base oil under fluid lubrication and boundary lubrication were discussed .

  27. 基础油与粘度指数改进剂对CF-4油使用性能的影响

    The effects of base oil and viscosity index improver on the performance of CF-4 diesel engine oil

  28. 结果表明:添加WS2纳米棒可以提高基础油的抗磨减摩性能。

    The antiwear ability was improved and the friction coefficient was decreased with the addition of WS2 nanorods in base oil .

  29. 加氢裂化尾油:临氢降凝-加氢补充精制工艺,产品可达APIⅡ类基础油,但产品收率低,加工流程长,加工成本高,不适合以大规模生产润滑油基础油装置。

    The product can reach the API ⅱ base oil . But the yield of the product is low and the production cast is high . So it is unsuitable for the production of base oil of lubricant in large scale equipment .

  30. GTL润滑油基础油的一般工艺技术由3个部分组成:合成气生产技术,合成液体烃生产技术,合成油加工技术。

    The general technology of the GTL lube base oil is described , which consists of synthetic gas process , synthetic liquid hydrocarbon process and synthetic petroleum process .