
huí shōu lǜ
  • rate of recovery;rate of reclamation
  1. 本法测定简单、迅速,回收率达99.13%,特别适合于低含量维生素C的测定。

    This method is simple and rapid , and the rate of recovery is 99.13 % . It is especially suitable for the determination of low content vitamin C.

  2. 实验证明该法简便可行,结果准确可靠,平均含量为3.09mg/g,回收率为99.60%,CV=1.28%,重现性好。

    The average content of flavone was 3.09 mg / g , the average rate of recovery was 99.60 % and coefficient of variation was 1.28 % .

  3. 丹麦的纸张回收率近85%。

    Denmark recycles nearly 85 % of its paper .

  4. 已实施该计划的挪威现在的回收率是94%。

    The Norway scheme has recycling rates of 94 per cent .

  5. 然而,伴随高迭代率的是低回收率。

    However , alongside the high replacement2 rate is a low recycling rate .

  6. 国内现在有约10亿部废旧手机的存量,回收率只有2%左右,大量更换下来的旧手机都没有得到妥善处理。

    China now has about one billion unused mobile phones , but only two percent have been recycled with most of the rejected devices improperly3 handled .

  7. 当铬含量小于340μg时,其平均回收率是99.7%。

    When the amount of chromium is less than 340 μ g , the average recovery obtained is 99.7 % .

  8. HBsAg破坏试验载体法制片中温度及时间对HBsAg回收率的影响

    Different Effect of Temperature Plate Affect the HBsAg Content on the Carrier in the HBsAg Destructive Experiment

  9. 浮选与兑卤&冷结晶联合工艺提高KCl回收率

    Increasing KCl Recovery Rate with Combined Process of Floatation and Crystallization-cold

  10. 其中,与单施尿素相比,两种抑制剂配合使用处理的肥料N总回收率高16.78%,小麦回收高5.96%。

    In comparison with applying urea alone , a combined application of hydroquinone and dicyandiamide induced a 16.78 % higher total recovery and 5.96 % higher plant recovery .

  11. 高放废液样品的RSD为3%,重加回收率为102%。

    The recovery for the samples from HLLW is 102 % and RSD is 3 % .

  12. 经过一次粗选、一次精选,槽内产品实现回收率(以Al2O3计)75.03%,铝硅比10.66。

    Recovery ( Al2O3 ) of the product in the tank amounts to 75.03 % , A / S 10.66 .

  13. 喷洒质量测定结果:药剂回收率为74.5%,防治成本为49.95~53.7元/hm2。

    The control cost was 49.9-53.7 Chinese yuan per hectare and retrieval rate of chemicals spraying was 74.5 % .

  14. 浓缩丸的平均回收率为101.5%,RSD为1.8%。

    The average recovery of concentrated bolus of LDP was 101 . 5 % and the RSD was 1.8 % .

  15. 结果显示:栀子甙的平均回收率为98.23%,RSD为1.2%。

    The results showed that the average recovery for Cape Jasmine Glucoside is 98.23 % and the RSD is 1.2 % .

  16. 采用褶合曲线法,不经分离,同时测定了复方甲苯咪唑片中两组分的含量,平均回收率和相对标准偏差(RSD)分别为:甲苯咪唑100.7%,1.03%;

    The convolution curve method was applied for the simultaneous determination of two components in compound mebendazole tablets without prior separation .

  17. 使用该方法测定大庆减渣和扶余原油中微量钴的含量,它们的RSD分别为1.66%和0.94%,加标回收率分别在96.85%~101.01%和95.31%~101.90%范围内。

    The recovery of added standard is from 96.85 % to 101.01 % and from 95.31 % to 101.90 % , respectively .

  18. 根据固相萃取法应用SPEC(18)柱,回收率为93.7%,证明该方法符合药动学中血样处理要求。

    According to extracting the law by using SPE C_ ( 18 ) column , the recovery is 93 . 7 % . The method was identified to extract the plasma .

  19. 结果:7种有机挥发性杂质的回收率都大于90%,连续6次实验的RSD小于10%。

    Result : The recovery values were higher than 90 % . The RSD of continues six analyses was lower than 10 % .

  20. 几种毒性较大的C18不饱和酸,在草浆黑液和木浆中段废水中多达几十到二百ppm,回收率大于85%,各种脂肪酸的最小检出浓度都小于0.1ppm,基本满足了工业废水测定的要求。

    The rate of collection is more than 85 % . Minimum determined concentration of all aliphatic acids is less than 0.1 ppm . It meets with the requirements set for industrial effluent analysis .

  21. 白腐菌Pleurotusostreatus324漆酶,经三步层析分离,纯化为电泳级,纯化倍数为26.5倍,回收率为38.3%。

    Laccase from white-rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus 324 has been purified by three chromatography steps with an overall yield of 38.3 % .

  22. 盐酸多巴酚丁胺的方法平均回收率为100.0%,RSD为1.0%。日内和日间精密度小于1.6%。

    The average recovery of dobutamine hydrochloride was 100.0 % ( RSD 1.0 % ) and the RSD of intra and inter day was less than 1.6 % .

  23. 结果:人参皂苷Rb1在0.6~5.4μg范围内有良好的线性关系,样品平均加样回收率为98.02%,RSD为1.3%。

    Results : The linear range of radix ginseng saponins Rb 1 was 0.6 ~ 5.4 μ g. The average recovery rate was 98.02 % with RSD of 1.3 % .

  24. 当空白样品CAP水平为1~100μg/kg时,平均回收率达71.33%~95.29%,相对标准偏差为1.73%~7.45%。

    The average recovery rates were 71.33 % - 95.29 % when 1-100 μ g / kg chloramphenicol standards were spiked into the zero shrimp sample , and the RSDs were 1.73 % - 7.45 % .

  25. 结果:测定6种大豆异黄酮的平均加标回收率在86.7%~116%,加标回收相对标准偏差均小于8%,最底检出限量小于0.04μg。

    Results : The average recovery of 6 isoflavones was within 86.7 % ~ 116 % , and the relative variation coefficient was below 8 % for all . The minimal detecting amount of the 6 soy isoflavones was below 0.04 μ g.

  26. 采用添加PVP粘合剂制备5%氯氰碘柳胺钠颗粒剂,经含量、方法回收率,线性试验及稳定性试验,该制剂符合质量标准。

    Closantel-Na granules is produced with a variety of bonds . This preparation is attested to be accord with quality standard after recovery test , linear test and stability test .

  27. 研究了硫酸浓度和硝酸浓度对产品产量的影响,在硫酸的浓度为6%和硝酸浓度为31%的最佳实验条件下,产品中V2O5的纯度达到了786%,V2O5的回收率达到836%。

    It is studied about the influence of product output for concentration of sulfuric acid and nitric acid .

  28. 结果NO饱和溶液进行10~(-2)稀释时,血小板的回收率最大。保存1d后cD62p再表达率差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Results Highest platelet recovery was achieved when the dilution of NO saturate solution was 1 / 100.Significant difference was observed in the rate of CD62p re-expression one day after storage ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 经过方法验证及实验对比,该法平均回收率为1002%,RSD为030%,证明方法准确可靠

    The recovery was 100 2 % and the RSD was 0 30 % In comparing with conventional HPLC using methanol water as mobile phase and GC methods , the results were more dependable

  30. 用Mac-12提高德兴铜矿铜金钼回收率的研究

    Research on Raising Copper and Molybdenum Recoveries by Mac-12 in Dexing Copper Mine