
  1. 以喜舍的心,帮助需要帮助的人。

    Heart to charity to help people who need help .

  2. 喜舍摄伏贪欲,行喜舍,可以广结善缘。

    Joyful giving subdues greed and makes good affinity .

  3. 布施若不是真正心存喜舍,则非但没有功德,反增烦恼。

    To give without joy , not only carries no merit but increases distress .

  4. 如何达到生死自在的境界?唯有靠平常多培养「喜舍」之心,方能提得起、放得下之境界。

    How can we be free from the suffering of birth and death ? Only when we nurture our hearts with joy and unselfish giving can we truly release our attachments .