
  1. 她的长发瀑布般地倾泻在后背上。

    Her hair tumbled in a cascade down her back .

  2. 他后背上长了个疮。

    He has a boil on his back .

  3. 它们后背上是油滑的、带有棱纹的皮肤。

    Their backs are covered with oily , ribbed skin .

  4. 他向上打开车身后背上的门,把衣箱放了进去。

    He opens the hatchback and loads in the suitcase .

  5. 研究者在很久以前就知道鲸鱼的后背上会起水疱。

    Researchers have long known that whales suffer blisters on their backs .

  6. 在后背上用包来装某。

    Carrying something in a pack on the back .

  7. 我每天都会因为后背上的伤口而疼痛,这个伤口至今都未痊愈。

    I had daily pain from a back injury that never healed right .

  8. 答:因为蜗牛的后背上总是背着一所房子,所以说蜗牛是世界上最强壮的生物。

    A : The snail . It carries its house on its back .

  9. 你以为我只是喜欢看人被针在后背上戳?

    You thought I just liked watching people get needles poked in the back ?

  10. 在后背上用包来装某。他用书皮把书包上了。

    He wrapped the book with the jacket .

  11. 孩子们把纸做的鱼粘在朋友们的后背上,商店里也会有出售巧克力做的鱼。

    Children stick paper fish to their friends'backs and chocolate fish are found in the shops .

  12. 电脑让机器人从它的后背上取下两小块金属。

    The computer told the robot to take off two small pieces of metal from its back .

  13. 事实上,列奥纳多达芬奇最开始是把《蒙娜丽莎》纹在一个朋友的后背上的。

    In fact , Leonardo Da Vinci first tattooed the Mona Lisa on a friend 's backside .

  14. 当亚瑟向这只雕冲过来时,雕绕到亚瑟的后背上并伸出利爪。

    As Arthur dived toward the bird , it rolled on its back and thrust out its talons .

  15. 骑手的夹克后背上开着长叉,使他骑在马上穿着更舒服。

    The rider 's jacket is slit up the back to make it more comfortable to wear when riding .

  16. 从动物的一侧和后背上肋骨和尾部之间切下来的肉块。

    A cut of meat taken from the side and back of an animal between the ribs and the rump .

  17. 克拉莉莎来到我身后,用双臂搂住了我的腰,并将头深深地埋在我的后背上。

    Clarissa came up behind me and looped her arms around my waist and pressed her face into my back .

  18. 短吻鳄款是绿色的,后背上有一个红色的脊,轮子是红色的,上面还点缀有黄色的圆点。

    The alligator is green and has a red ridge on its back and red wheels with yellow polka dots .

  19. 许多老年人都存在这样的麻烦:瘙痒的部位正好位于后背上肩胛骨下方或其之间的位置,他们的手很难够着。

    Many older people have trouble with itching in hard-to-reach spots on the back , between or just below the shoulder blades .

  20. 之后他看到了汉斯的尸体,脸向下俯在地上,大约有10到15支羽箭插在他的后背上。

    Then he saw the body of Hans , lying on his face , with ten or fifteen arrows in his back .

  21. 奴隶后背上的伤疤被视为该奴隶反叛或难以管束的证据,因而影响售价。

    Scars upon a slave 's back were considered evidence of a rebellio us or unruly spirit , and hurt his sale .

  22. 看看他后背上的23号球衣号码,已经是在向“飞人”致敬。

    Look no further than the No. 23 James wears across his chest during games in homage to " His Airness . "

  23. 这个装置戴在狗的后背上,这个系统通过特殊的震动和铃声引导犬类从一个地点去往另一个地点。

    Worn on the dog 's back , the system issued specific vibrations and tones that guided the canines from one waypoint to another .

  24. 妈妈们学习将早产儿抱在胸前,而不是按照传统的非洲抱孩子方法,即放在妈妈的后背上。

    Mothers learn to carry preterm babies in front instead the traditional African way of carrying a baby , on the mother 's back .

  25. 拉了几米,我又得停下来。鞭子又落在我的后背上,疼得钻心。

    After a few more metres , I had to stop again.The whip came down across my back once more and the pain was sharp .

  26. 多余的汁液储藏在蚜虫后背上,蚂蚁就可以像农夫挤牛奶一样挤出汁液。

    The extra juice is secreted out the back of the aphid , where an ant can milk it like a farmer milking a cow .

  27. 他跪在那儿,让水滴慢慢滴满他双手窝成的“杯子”,太阳火辣辣地照射在他小小的后背上。

    He knelt there , letting the drip slowly fill up his makeshift " cup ," as the sun beat down on his little back .

  28. 然后刷希巴推他前进,阿瑟深吸一口气,爬到热腾腾,不断起伏的宽大后背上,坐在福特身后抓紧了。

    Taking a deep breath , he clambered up behind Ford on to the great , hot , heaving back of the beast and held on tight .

  29. 汤姆:那天,一个法国朋友向我走过来,和我谈了几句,把手放在我的后背上,一会儿就走了。

    Tom : That day , a French friend walked to me , had a short talk with me , and put his hand on my back .

  30. 他的死大家都有点惊异,因为他是面向敌人的,不应该从后背上吃子弹。

    There was some surprise , however , that , as he was with his face to the enemy , he should have received a ball between his shoulders .