
  • 网络Cooperative phenomenon;cooperative phenomena
  1. 英汉语用领域中不合作现象研究

    A Study of Non - cooperative Phenomena in English-Chinese Pragmatic Domains

  2. 随意言谈中不合作现象研究

    A Study on the Non-observance of Cooperative Principle in Loose Talk

  3. 不合作现象普遍存在于汉语,英语及跨文化交际中。

    Non-cooperation exists in Chinese , English and cross-cultural communication .

  4. 文章还探讨了科研合作现象的产生机制。

    The article also discussed the producing mechanism of scientific and technical cooperation phenomenon .

  5. 会话不合作现象论析

    On Non - co operation in Conversation

  6. 论会话中不合作现象

    On Non-observance of Co-operative Principle in Conversation

  7. 不过,在「多代理系统」出现的合作现象,仍然吸引了许多人的兴趣。

    Still , there is growing interest in the emergence of cooperation in multiagent systems .

  8. 论会话中的不合作现象的含意化&风马牛驴不相及

    On Implicature of Uncooperative Phenomenon in Dialogues : " No Relation among Wind , Horse , Cow and Donkey "

  9. 本文从关注区域旅游合作现象入手,探索这一现象的经济和制度根源。

    This paper pays attention to the phenomena of regional tourism cooperation and tries to find its economic and management reasons .

  10. 这种不合作现象不仅有利于塑造人物形象,也有助于故事情节的发展。

    This phenomenon of non-cooperation not only creates the image of the character , but also helps to develop the plot of the story .

  11. 合作现象在生物系统以及社会系统中广泛存在,研究自私群体中合作的涌现和演化是进化生物理论和进化社会理论研究的重要课题之一。

    Cooperation is ubiquitous both in biological and social system , researching the emergence and the evolution of cooperative behaviors is one of the most important issues in the evolutionary biological and social theory .

  12. 自20世纪70年代以来,企业跨边界合作现象越来越普遍,由此而形成的网络组织也日益引起理论界与实业界的关注。

    Since 1970s , the phenomenon of cross-border co-operation in enterprises has become more and more common , and the formation of network organization ( NO ) has been attracted by the theory community and the business community increasingly .

  13. 研究表明,顺应理论对跨文化交际中英汉委婉语不合作现象的成功解读有助于展示委婉语的民族文化特色,提高跨文化交际能力,从而减少跨文化交际失误。

    The study demonstrates that the correct interpretation of non-observance of euphemism in cross-cultural communication from the perspective of Adaptation Theory can show the national and cultural features of euphemism , develop the cross-cultural communicative competence and finally reduce the cross-cultural pragmatic failures .

  14. 研究了Yb:YAG晶体的合作发光现象。

    Cooperative luminescence phenomenon of Yb : YAG crystals was studied .

  15. Yb:YAG晶体的合作发光现象

    Cooperative Luminescence in Yb : YAG Crystals

  16. 电影对白中违反合作原则现象的分析灰铸铁电渣重熔过程石墨球化现象的研究

    A Study on Violation of Cooperative Principle in Film Dialogues ; GRAPHITE NODULAR PHENOMENA DURING THE ESR OF CAST IRON

  17. 前言:大学专家进入中小学从事教育研究是一种“校院合作”现象。

    It is commonly assumed that when experts of higher institutions conduct research in schools , they are engaged in " school-university collaboration " .

  18. 非协议竞合关系在这一部分,我们从两个层面考察由一个制造商和一个零售商所组成的供应链内的竞争与合作共存现象。

    Coopetition without contractIn this part , two levels of the coopetition are studied in a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer and one retailer .

  19. 对产业集群中企业的竞争与合作共存现象及其动因进行综合分析,并对三种类型的产业集群中企业竞合关系的一般模式进行研究,可以发现博弈论在竞合关系中的作用与应用。

    A study of three types of industrial clusters in this relationship reveals a general model and the function and application of the game theory .

  20. 同时,具有网络外部性的产业往往产品更新换代速度较快,产业内知识流动较为频繁,研发溢出现象比较普遍,而企业间合作研发现象也比较常见。

    Meanwhile , the products with net externalities generally have a marked feature of frequent product update knowledge flow , and R D spillover . Cooperative R Ds are relatively common .

  21. 现阶段,房地产合作开发现象大量呈现,且这种现象会在以后继续存在,并成为大势所趋。

    At this stage , there are a lot of the phenomenon are developing in real estate , and this phenomenon will continue to exist in the future , and become a trend .

  22. 和资金、劳动力、技术之类的资源一样,制度也是稀缺的,否则,社会不会存在那么多不合作的现象,世界也不会存在那么多难以解决的摩擦和冲突。

    As the resource of capital , labor force and technology , institution is also rare . Otherwise , there will not be so much non-cooperation , friction and conflict in the society , which are hard to solve all over the world .

  23. 最后,我们对合作频率分段现象的原因进行了探索,理论分析与数值仿真的结果符合得很好。

    Finally , we explore the reason why the curve presents step structure , theoretical analysis agrees well with the numerical simulation results .

  24. 在经济全球化的浪潮中,国际直接投资和跨国公司充当了主要角色,国际直接投资正在取代国际贸易而成为当今国际经济合作的主流现象。

    International Direct Investment and MNEs play a major role in the economic globalization . International Direct Investment is becoming the main stream of international economic corporation replacing of international trade .

  25. 第二个维度是能源税的社会学基础,论证能源使用与包括消除贫困、就业、国际合作等社会现象的互动关系和能源税的社会影响。

    The second dimension is the sociological foundation of energy tax . It discusses the relationship between using energy and poverty elimination , employment , international cooperation and social impact of the energy tax .

  26. 蠕虫在传播过程中被病毒感染,两者相互依存共同传播,这就形成了蠕虫和病毒合作互利的现象,我们称之为共生。

    During its spread process , the worm is infected by the virus ; both of them are interdependent and spread together . Thus forms the phenomena of the worm and virus cooperating with each other , which is known as cooperation .

  27. 外商直接投资撤退是国际经济合作中的普遍现象。

    The withdrawal of direct foreign investment is a common phenomenon in the international economical cooperation .

  28. 产品内分工成为了当前国际经济合作中的主要现象。

    Intra-product specification has become the main phenomena in the field of current international economic cooperation .

  29. 大学生课堂合作学习失效的现象分析及对策研究

    Analysis of the Phenomenon of Efficacy Lost in Cooperative learning in Class for College Students and the Exploration of Countermeasures

  30. 然而,在实际语言运用中,人们常可见到违反合作原则的言语现象,许多以汉语修辞格的方式体现出来。

    In daily use of the Chinese language , there exist deviations of cooperative principles , many of which are manifested in rhetoric forms .