
shuānɡ yǔ xiàn xiànɡ
  • bilingualism
  1. 新疆民-汉、汉-民双语现象的形成及其发展

    The Wide Han On the Formation and Development of Bilingualism in Xinjiang

  2. 新疆民汉双语现象与新疆社会发展之关系

    Bilingualism and Social Development in Xinjiang

  3. 中国社会的双语现象浅析

    A Brief Analysis on the Bilingual Phenomena in Modern Chinese Society

  4. 民考汉与双语现象

    Minority Nationality Students Studying in Han Chinese School and Bilingual Phenomenon

  5. 论香港的双语现象和双语的发展

    BILINGUAL The Bilingual Phenomenon and Its Development in Hong Kong

  6. 文化边缘区·边缘人·双语现象

    Culture Marginal Area · Marginal Person · Bilingual Phenomena

  7. 哈萨克语中的汉语词&兼谈文化接触和双语现象

    Chinese Words in Kazak Language And Related on Culture Contact and Bilingual Phenomena

  8. 汉语文在西域的传播使用与民汉双语现象

    On the Transmission of the Chinese Language in West Region and Ethnic-Chinese Bilingual Phenomenon

  9. 什么是双语现象和双语体?

    What is bilingualism and diglossia ?

  10. 双语现象国际研讨会

    International Symposium on Bilingualism

  11. 双语现象的惯用定义是指个人在日常生活中使用两种语言的现象。

    A working definition of bilingualism is the use by individuals of two languages in their daily lives .

  12. 语言接触结果产生语言借用、混合语和双语现象。

    Language contacts result in the appearance of borrowed vocabulary ( loan words ), mixed languages and bilingualism .

  13. 聋人社团中的双语现象是稳定而又不对称的。

    That is , such contact concerns with asymmetrical bilingualism , yet stable or maintained bilingualism in Deaf communities .

  14. 语言的接触是文化的接触,文化的接触可导致外来词的借入和双语现象的形成。

    Linguistic contact is that of culture contact which may result in entrance of foreign words and formation of bilingual states .

  15. 双语现象的出现使语言群体向更大的双语或多语的语言群体发展。

    The emergence of the bilingual phenomenon tends to make the speech community develop to the larger bilingual or multilingual speech community .

  16. 双语现象是人类社会发展变化的产物,是社会发展不同阶段的标识。

    Bilingual phenomenon is the product of the development of human society , and also the sign of the different stages of the social development .

  17. 文化的交流与传播增进了民族之间的沟通与交往,易于双语现象、双方言现象的产生以及语言融合与共同语的推广。

    The cultural exchange and spread promote the contacts among nationalities , facilitate the emergence of bilingualism and bidialectalism , language integration and the popularization of the common language .

  18. 基于莫旗达斡尔族语言调查样本数据分析基础之上,对该旗达斡尔族的达汉双语现象及其成因进行了深入分析。

    Based on Dawu'er language sample data analysis in Moqi , the author analyzes the language and causes of the phenomenon deeply , with the presentation of its native language and Chinese .

  19. 本文从教学法、教育语言媒介、语言国情、双语现象等角度对鼓励专业课教师用英语讲课的主张提出了辩驳。

    The proposition that teachers of specialized courses should be encouraged to lecture in English is argued against from the perspectives of pedagogy , linguistic instructional medium , national linguistic status quo and bilingualism .

  20. 新疆民-汉、汉-民双语现象有着自身发展的特点,民-汉、汉-民双语现象的形成受到语言本身的性质、民族杂居、文化教育发展、商业贸易往来等因素的影响。

    Bilingualism in Xinjiang has its own characteristic of development and its formation has been influenced by the nature of language , different nationalities living in one area , education , trade and other factors .

  21. 第一章是《导言》,主要论述新疆民汉双语现象与新疆社会发展之关系的重要意义,介绍目前学术界对此问题的研究状况。

    Chapter I is an introduction . It is about the important meaning of the relationship between bilingual phenomena and the social development in Xinjiang . This chapter also introduces the current status of academic research on this issue .

  22. 在第二部分里,介绍了与本文密切相关的语言学理论,如双语现象、中介语理论、语言习得理论等内容,为以后的语音分析比较作铺垫;

    Part two introduce some theories of linguistics which close to the thesis , such as bilingualism , the theory of interlanguage , the theory of language acquisition and so on , which pave the way for next contrast and analysis of phonetic .

  23. Hudson认为,在两个或多个语言有接触的情况下,必然会出现双语或多语现象。在双语或多语现象中,语码转换又是不可避免的结果。

    Code-switching , as an inevitable consequence of bilingualism which is an inevitable consequence of language contact , dutifully exerts impacts on both languages involved .

  24. 双语和双言现象有什么区别?

    What 's the difference between diglossia and bilingualism ?

  25. 翻译能力之提高主要应建立在对翻译过程、双语交际能力及对双语相互影响现象的充分理解上。

    Translation competence depends primarily on communicative competence in both SL and TL , and on an adequate understanding of mutual influences of the two languages involved as well as of the translation process .

  26. 从白族双语教育中语码转换看双语双文化现象以英语授课的教育;以英语为教学语言的教育

    The phenomena of bilingual and two-cultures viewed from the transference of language code in bilingual education of Bei nationality

  27. 语码转换是指操双语者在同一或不同话轮中对两种语言进行交替使用的双语现象或言语行为。语码转换是语言之间发生接触,互动的必然结果。

    Code-switching is a language phenomenon and activity referring to two different languages alternatively used by bilinguals in the same or different speech turns , which is an unavoidable result of language contact and interaction .

  28. 语码转换(Code-switching)是指双语人在同一或不同话轮中,对两种语言进行交替使用的双语现象或双语言语行为。

    Code-switching is a kind of bilingual phenomenon , which refers to the alternative use of two different languages in the same or different turns . As one of the consequences of language contact , code-switching has drawn the attention of researchers both abroad and in China .