
  • 网络Loss Aversion;loss averse
  1. 我们还有“厌恶损失”(lossaversion)的倾向,即强烈抗拒失去我们已经拥有的东西。

    We also suffer from loss aversion , fierce resistance to losing what one already has .

  2. 用外语进行测试时,厌恶损失情绪的影响减少,测试对象更早地开始选择彩票B。

    When Costa and his colleagues had participants use a second language , the emotional effect of " loss aversion " dropped and the subjects switched to lottery B sooner .

  3. 然后他们又进行了一项霍尔特-洛瑞测试,目的是考察人们在面临风险和不确定局面时,厌恶损失的情绪对他们进行经济决策的能力会造成什么样的影响。

    Then they ran a holt-laury test , which examines how loss aversion affects our ability to make economic decisions under risk and uncertainty .

  4. 罗闻全认为,一些在较简单模型中没有得到正确评价的人类行为特征比如厌恶损失、过分自信、过度反应及其它行为偏差实际上是理性的。

    Prof Lo believes that some of the features of human behaviour such as loss aversion , overconfidence , overreaction and other behavioural biases that are underappreciated by simpler models are , in fact , rational .

  5. 价值函数的形式及其参数估计、价值函数的心理学解释、价值函数的引出方法、基于价值函数的随机占优、风险厌恶、损失厌恶等都是热门研究方向。

    One value in the form and function parameter estimation , the value function of psychology explained that the value function of extraction methods , based on the superior value of the random function , risk aversion , loss aversion , are hot on its direction .