
  1. 目前察尔汗盐湖正处在干盐湖早期阶段,即干盐滩与卤水湖并存的阶段。

    There are10 brine lakes surrounding the Qarhan Salt Playa , each maintaining its own life on the fresh water supply of inland rivers .

  2. 由于选择性溶解作用使钾富集在水位最低的卤水湖内,并在干盐滩与卤水湖之间的平坦湖滨地带形成钾盐层。

    The potassium compounds are enriched at the lowest water level in the brine lake by the processes of selective solution . The bedded potash deposits are usually formed in the flat lake beach along the bordering regions of salina and lake .