
  • 网络halogen lamp;halogen;Halogen bulbs
  1. 传统光源卤素灯泡用于前照灯照明,在节能和寿命上存在不足。

    Automobile headlight with halogen lamp has limitations on work-time and efficiency .

  2. 打开照明灯后盖,取出原有的卤素灯泡。

    Open the rear cover of the headlamp and pull the installed halogen lamp out .

  3. 除了HID灯、卤素灯泡用白灯也被允许的。

    Besides HID lamps , halogen bulbs with whiter light are also allowed .

  4. 最开始使用的是传统卤素灯泡,之后出现了氙气灯,直至今天,发光二极管(LED)车灯已经成了数款豪华车时尚与特色的代名词。

    Conventional halogen bulbs begat xenon which begat LED ( light emitting diodes ) , now all the rage and featured in several luxury models .

  5. 将卤素灯泡插入插头中。

    Insert the halogen bulb into the plug .

  6. 拔下卤素灯泡上的接头。

    Unplug connector on halogen bulb .

  7. 光源全部采用优质卤素灯泡,2只闪灯(叉闪烁)4只转灯,2只射灯,左右对称分布。

    Light sources adopt halogen bulbs as four rotators and four flashing bulbs which distributing symmetrically .

  8. 结论:新型的发光二级管型光固化灯在黏结效能上优于传统的卤素灯泡型光固化灯。

    Electroluminescence Lamp CONCLUSION : The new type of LED spectrum was better than the traditional spectrum of the halogen lamp .

  9. 如果是在天黑以后或者没有自然光的条件下拍摄,他建议确保只有一种光源开启(比如不能让卤素灯泡和荧光顶灯同时打开),而且在可行的情况下,这种人工光线也要从食物背后照过来。

    If it 's after dark or natural light is unavailable , he suggests making sure only one type of light is on -- not both a halogen lamp and a fluorescent overhead light , for instance -- and that the artificial light comes from behind the food , if possible .

  10. 作为传统的汽车前照灯系统,使用卤素钨灯泡,存在照度低、寿命短,并且只能工作在一种固定光型的缺点。

    Automotive lamps ' low beam as a traditional road driving lighting , it could work only in one mode which is exactly an immovable light shape , low illumination and short life cycle .