
  • 网络hemisphere theory
  1. 方法利用半球扩散理论模型,分析毒气扩散规律。

    Methods Based on the hemisphere diffusion mode , the characteristics of toxic gas diffusion were studied .

  2. 从大脑两半球分工理论看怯场问题的解决&《内心网球运动》的启示

    Through Theory of the Two Brain Hemispheres ' Work Division to Look for the Solution of Stage Fright Problem & An Inspiration of Tennis Ball Movement in Heart

  3. 创造性思维是人重要而独特的思维功能,大脑两半球功能特化理论揭示了大脑两半球对创造性思维的影响。

    Creative thinking is human being 's important and specific thinking function . The two spheres functional specialization theory in brain reveals the influence of two parts in brain on mankind 's creative thinking .