
yún sù yuán zhōu yùn dòng
  • uniform circular motion
匀速圆周运动[yún sù yuán zhōu yùn dòng]
  1. 匀速圆周运动的信念已深入希腊人的思想中。

    The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought .

  2. 现在我们讲讲匀速圆周运动。

    Let 's now turn to uniform circular motion .

  3. N体问题不仅存在做匀速圆周运动的正多边形解,而且存在非匀速运动的正多边形解,这就是圆锥曲线解。

    Besides the regular polygon solutions of uniform circular motions , the regular polygon solutions of non-uniform motions also exist for N-body problems , which is known as conic solutions .

  4. 本文用矢量分析方法,证明了带电粒子以初速度V0垂直进入匀强磁场中做匀速圆周运动。

    Through vector analysis , the article proves that electrified articles motion evenly in circles when vertically entering an equally intensified magnetic field with the initiate speed .

  5. 从匀速圆周运动来看。

    Remember , from the uniform circular motion .

  6. 什么是匀速圆周运动?

    What is uniform circular motion ?

  7. 匀速圆周运动的归类导析

    Taxonomical Analysis of Circular Motion

  8. 匀速圆周运动发生在,当物体沿着一个圆环滚动,速率恒定的情况下。

    Uniform circular motion occurs when an object goes around in a circle and when the speed never changes .

  9. 她在难民中工作是因为她有很深的信念.匀速圆周运动的信念已深入希腊人的思想中。

    A deep faith underlies her work among refugees . The doctrine of uniform circular motion became embedded in Greek thought .

  10. 先前在讲行星时,我们讨论过这个,我们讨论的是,匀速圆周运动,而且我们评估了,向心加速度。

    We have discussed that earlier when we dealt with the planets , and we dealt with uniform circular motions , and we evaluated the centripetal acceleration .

  11. 用简化模型(行星在同一平面内绕太阳作匀速圆周运动)分析了行星相对于地球的运动(视运动)。

    Using a simplified model ( revolution of planets round the sun are uniform circular motions in a plane ), the apparent motion of planets relative to the earth is analyzed .

  12. 详细讨论了当向心力突然增大后,原来作匀速圆周运动的小球其运动轨迹的变化情况,证明了小球将作螺线运动。

    A small ball is making circular motion at the uniform velocity , the centripetal force has suddenly increased , it is proved that the small ball will generally make a spiral motion .

  13. 要么是推力,要么是拉力,要么两者兼有,否则你无法在转盘上,做匀速圆周运动。

    Whether it is the pull or whether it is the push one of * either one of the two is necessary for you to go around in that circle on that turntable with that constant speed .

  14. 最后本文分析了匀速圆周运动条件下扫查器的驱动平衡模型,得到磁轮最大摩擦力矩,为选择扫查器的驱动电机提供依据。

    In the end the dissertation analyzes the dynamical balance model of the scanner crawling in the circumstance of the pipeline at a uniform velocity and gain maximum friction moment to offer a gist for selecting driven motor .

  15. 超临速磨机的运动学分析研究结果表明,钢球介质在一个运动循环周期内主要经历了三个运动阶段,即匀速圆周运动阶段、钢球介质在导向板表面无摩擦运动阶段和抛物线运动阶段。

    The results of the kinematics research of the ball mediums show that the ball mediums in the mill go mainly through three steps : uniform circumference motion , no friction motion on the surface of the guiding board and parabola motion .