
  1. 事实上,贵义贱利论的产生和发展与中国传统文化的主体&儒家文化有着密切的关系。

    As a matter of fact , the birth and the development of the theory is closely related the body of Chinese culture-Confucianism .

  2. 和任何一种理论思想一样,贵义贱利论也有自己的历史渊源、产生背景和发展脉络。

    As any other kind of theory thought , the theory of advocating justice but depreciating benefit has it 's own origin , background and developing track too .

  3. 但是贵义贱利论这种阻碍社会经济发展的惰性,并不是一开始就存在的。

    But " inertia " of the theory of advocating justice but depreciating benefit , which is hindrance to social economic development , does not exist at the beginning .

  4. 义、利关系论是儒家经济思想的一个主要论题,也是其伦理思想的一项重要内容。

    Interest and profits are the main topics in Confucius ' economic theories-and important moral thoughts .

  5. 兼相爱交相利&论商业道德利人利已对中国古代自利人描述和西方经济人假设的比较分析

    A Comparative Analysis between Self-profit Described by Chinese Scholars in Former Qin-Dynasty and Economic Man Hypothesis in the Western

  6. 聂斯脱利与西里尔基督论之争就是在这种存在着复杂的政教关系的时代背景下发生,而且争论的过程充满了混乱的争吵。

    The christological controversy between Nestorius and Cyril is in this exist complex politico-religious relationship under the background of the debate , and full of chaos quarrel process .