
  • 网络inam;Nasim Inam
  1. 在马尔多纳多港和伊纳姆巴里河之间的联洋公路沿岸,过度的金矿开采已经将曾经富饶的湿地变成了沙漠。

    Along the Inter-oceanic highway between Puerto Maldonado and Puente Inambari , excessive gold mining has turned once lush wetlands to desert .

  2. 即将在伊纳姆巴里河与阿拉扎河交汇处修建的大坝,是推动南美经济发展的动力之一。

    The dam , to be built at the confluence of the Inambari and Araza rivers , is one of dozens expected to power South America 's economic ascent .