
  • 网络Iqbal;Muhammad Iqbal
  1. 论伊克巴尔宗教哲学体系中的自我

    Ego in Iqbal 's Religion and Philosophy

  2. 莫妮巴的讲稿是由她的一个哥哥帮她写的,引用了我们国家的诗人阿拉马.伊克巴尔美丽的诗句。

    Moniba 's speech was written by one of her older brothers . She quoted beautiful poems by Allama Iqbal , our national poet .

  3. 2000年,儿童权利的国际儿童奖设立,作为其中一个获奖者,伊克巴尔在死后被授予了这一奖项。

    In2000 , when The World 's Children 's Prize for the Rights of the Child was formed , he was posthumously awarded this prize as one of the first laureates .

  4. 他读伟大诗人萨迪、阿拉马.伊克巴尔和鲁米的作品给我父亲听时,充满热情、激情四溢,仿佛是读给整个清真寺的听众听一样。

    He read the great poems of Saadi , Allama Iqbal and Rumi to my father with such passion and fire it was as if he was teaching the whole mosque .