
  • 网络Entrepreneurial Intention;entrepreneurial intent
  1. 中国文化背景下的创业意愿路径图&基于计划行为理论

    A path map of entrepreneurial intention in Chinese context & Based on the theory of planed behavior

  2. 过去,关于创业意愿形成问题的研究多数是从环境影响、个人特质等角度,并没有把创业意愿看作是创业活动与人们交互作用的产物。

    Previous researches studied the entrepreneurial intention from the aspects of situational influence and personal traits , instead of viewing it as an outcome of interaction between entrepreneurial activity and individuals .

  3. 有创业意愿的人非常匮乏。

    There is a lack of people wanting to start up new businesses .

  4. 大学生创业意愿与学校创业环境的营造

    The Constructing on the College Students Desire of Pioneering Work and the College Environment of Pioneering Work

  5. 农民的创业意愿及其培育&基于广东部分地区问卷调查的思考

    The Farmers ' Entrepreneurship Wills and Cultivation & Based on the Thought of Questionnaire Survey in Some Regions of Guangdong

  6. 报告称,名校学生的创业意愿较低,或许因为创业机会成本高。

    According to the report , students from prestigious universities were less willing to start businesses , likely because of high opportunity cost .

  7. 本章最后从创业意愿、经济体制、政府行为、产业政策探求安徽汽车产业结构问题的根源。

    This chapter from venture intend to and economic system and government behavior and industrial policy explore AnHui auto industry structure of the source of the problem .

  8. 报告发现,艺术学、农学、工学专业的学生创业意愿最高,而历史学和理科专业的学生创业兴趣相对较低。

    The report found that students majoring in art , agriculture and engineering were more willing to start businesses , while those majoring in history and science showed relatively low interest .

  9. 本研究选择了三类典型的女性群体,包括女性知识分子、女大学生和失业下岗女性,对其创业意愿、创业条件、创业能力、创业方向、创业预期等进行比较分析。

    This research paper makes a comparative analysis of the three typical female groups of intellectuals , college students and laid-offs in terms of their wishes , conditions , abilities , orientations and anticipations in starting their own businesses .

  10. 质性研究表明了人格特质、环境以及人口特征对创业意愿的影响,特别是创业氛围这一环境因素的明显影响体现了新生代农民工创业素质低,容易盲从的特征。

    Qualitative research shows the impact of personality traits , environment and population characteristics on entrepreneur intention , especially the obvious influence of entrepreneurial atmosphere embodies the new generation migrant workers ' low quality , easy to blindly follow .

  11. 量化研究验证的结果表明成就动机对于新生代农民工的创业意愿影响显著性并不高,体现新生代农民工的创业是为生活所迫的生存性创业。

    The verification of the quantitative research results show that the achievement motive for the new generation of peasant workers ' venture will not influence significantly , and Cainozoic Era peasant laborers ' entrepreneurship is forced by the life force .

  12. 通过对中职学生网上购物需求及选择购买商品类别的调查获取了大量信息和第一手资料,根据调查结果对中职学生创业意愿及创业面临的主要困难做出全面分析。

    Vocational students through the online shopping needs and choose to purchase goods for a large number of categories of survey information and first-hand information , based on the findings of the vocational school students and the enterprise venture will make the major difficulties faced by a comprehensive analysis .

  13. 农民工回乡创业的意愿比较强烈,但是大多数人短期内仍然选择继续留在城市打工。

    Although the willingness of return and venture is strong , but most migrant workers will still choose continues to keep work in urban in short-term .

  14. CCG对来自100所国内大学的2797名学生进行了调查,以了解他们在创业方面的意愿。

    CCG surveyed 2797 students from 100 domestic universities to understand their willingness in entrepreneurship .

  15. 实证研究发现,创业环境与创业意愿、创业机会、创业技能之间存在正相关关系,优化和改善创业环境,能够提高人们的创业意愿,能够提供更多的创业机会,能够增强人们的创业技能。

    Optimization and improvement of entrepreneurial environment could improve the entrepreneurial will , provide more entrepreneurial opportunities , and enhance entrepreneurial skills .

  16. 大学创业教育对学生创业意愿的影响研究

    A Study of the Impact of Enterprise Education on Entrepreneurial Intention of College Student

  17. 针对这一结论提出两方面建议,一是应通过建立高校毕业生创业平台,增强毕业生创业意愿,提高其就业率。

    Two proposals for this conclusion , on the one hand , through the establishment of the business platform of college graduates , increase fiscal spending , establish of entrepreneurial guidance agency for college graduates .

  18. 同时父母是否创业对新生代农民工创业意愿的影响也不显著,这是由于其父母的创业多为小本生意,奔波操劳,对新生代农民工的吸引力较小。

    Meanwhile , the influence of whether their parents establish a business on the young generation is not significant , that is because the business of their parents are more small-business , rushing about , getting little appealing to them .

  19. 第三,进行创业文化、创业教育、大学生创业意愿的描述性统计分析。

    Thirdly , make descriptive statistical analysis on entrepreneurial culture , entrepreneurship education and entrepreneur intention .

  20. 中国人民大学近日发布的我国大学生创业报告显示,学生学位与其创业意愿成反比。

    A report on entrepreneurship among Chinese college students published by Renmin University of China revealed an inverse proportion between the level of students ' academic degrees and their intentions to start their own businesses .

  21. 创新是加快转变经济发展方式的重要支撑,而培育创业文化、加强创业教育和提升大学生创业意愿是实现创新的重要途径,也是构建创新型国家的必要举措。

    Innovation is the significant back-up . Cultivating the entrepreneurial culture , strengthening entrepreneurship education and improving college students entrepreneur intention are important ways to achieve innovation and construct an innovative nation .

  22. 研究结论不仅理清了创业机会的内涵及影响因素,而且也深入挖掘了创业机会识别对创业意愿影响的外部因素所在。

    The conclusion of this research not only makes clear the connotation and influential factors of the entrepreneurship opportunities , but also explores intensively the external factors which make the entrepreneurship opportunities identification have influence on entrepreneurship intention .

  23. 本文从创业教育内容的视角,研究学生在校经历、创业知识和创业能力对大学生创业意愿的影响。

    The paper studies the effects of entrepreneurial experience in college , entrepreneurial knowledge and entrepreneurial capability on entrepreneurial intention of undergraduates .

  24. 中国高校创新创业教育联盟调查了130所高校的学生,其中超过8成的学生表示自己有创业意愿。

    The IEEAC surveyed students from 130 colleges , and more than 80 % said they are willing to start businesses .

  25. 国内外学者对创业意识的研究已经取得了一定的成果,理论成果主要集中是创业教育的核心内容,实证研究成果主要集中在创业意愿的调查。

    Certain achievement has been acquired , theory achievement was mainly concentrated in the enterprise education and empirical research achievement was mainly focused on the Entrepreneurial willingness investigation .