
  • 网络creative enterprise
  1. 文化创意企业特征与工作压力管理策略分析

    Characteristics of Cultural Creative Enterprise and Management Strategy of Working Pressure

  2. 但是目前,相关方面的研究大都集中在产业层面,而在微观领域专注于创意企业的研究则相对很少。

    But till now , the relevant researches are most concentrated in the creative industries while rare researches are done in the field of micro-focus on the creative enterprise .

  3. 因此,purerendering是德国最成功的创意企业的典型。

    In this , pure rendering is typical of most successful creative ventures in Berlin .

  4. 耶齐在她的新书《TheIdeaWriters》中探讨了品牌创意企业的新形势。

    In a new book , The Idea Writers , Iezzi discusses the changing landscape of the brand creativity business .

  5. 创意企业和创意产业的发展是交织在一起的。

    Creative enterprises and creative industries are developed intertwined .

  6. 创意企业的财富积累与产权收入和产品的价值损失之间存在线性关系。

    There is a linear relationship between the creative enterprises wealth accumulation and property income as well as loss of value .

  7. 第三,动漫创意企业联合化趋势显现,开启了动漫创意产业发展规模化、集约化道路。

    Third , the animation show the trend of co-creative enterprise , animation and creative industries on the scale , intensive road .

  8. 微观层级的创意企业演化是一个新奇不断产生、适应和扩散的过程,创意企业的学习过程和选择过程是相互作用、相互交织的。

    The micro-leveled creative enterprises evolution continues to produce adapt and spread . The learning process and selection process of creative enterprises are intertwined .

  9. 创意企业是创意产业的基本组织形式,是创意产业保持持续、稳定和健康发展的前提。

    The creative enterprises , as the basic organizational forms of creative industries , premise the sustained , steady and healthy development of the creative industries .

  10. 创意企业是知识密集型企业,作为一种专业化分工和合作的协调机制,是知识的创新者和使用者,也是携带知识(复制者)与外界环境进行互动的互动者。

    As coordination mechanism of specialized division and cooperation , creative enterprises are innovators and users of knowledge and they bring knowledge to interact with outside world .

  11. 凭借中小型创意企业的支持,并通过实行为设计量身订做的具体方案,圣埃蒂恩不间断地努力,以设计重塑着城市的面貌。(张舜廖露蕾)

    The city has constantly made efforts to reinvent itself through design with the support of small and medium-sized creative enterprises and concrete initiatives dedicated to design .

  12. 其次,本文对创意企业和创意产业共同演化的研究有助于实际决策部门更加深刻和准确地认识创意产业的演进规律,对创意产业发展政策的制定具有一定的参考价值。

    Secondly , it will help the decision-making departments understand the law of creative enterprises and creative industries co-evolution more deeply and accurately and will also help to make development policies for creative industries .

  13. 此时,本文对创意企业和创意产业共同演化问题的研究,有助于我们更加深刻地理解创意企业和创意产业的发展。

    At this point , the paper dose a prospective study of the co-evolution of enterprises and creative industries and it will help us understand the development of creative enterprises and creative industries more deeply .

  14. 从整体上看,对创意企业和创意产业研究的广度、深度仍然滞后于实践,有待于理论研究的突破和更深层次的挖掘。

    Overall , the study of creative enterprises and creative industries from the breadth and depth still lags behind their practice which means the need of a breakthrough in theoretical research and a deeper digging .

  15. 首先,本文对创意企业微观演化的研究能够引起创意企业的对自身发展的理性思考,为创意企业在与环境的互动中制定正确的战略规划提供指引。

    First , this paper studies the micro-leveled evolution of creative enterprises and it will cause rational thinking of the creative enterprises for their own development and will guide creative enterprises to make right strategic plans in their interaction with the environment .

  16. 理查德说,除占用了大量时间之外,这场夺回知识产权的法律斗争耗费超过设计费用,成为了公司最大的成本项,对一家创意企业而言,这是令人震惊的。

    As well as taking up a huge amount of time , Richard says , the legal fight to reclaim their intellectual property became our largest cost centre in the business – overtaking design costs , which for a creative business is shocking .

  17. 在与环境的互动中,创意企业的学习机制有三类:强化学习、惯例学习和信念学习;选择机制有四类:幼稚选择、管理选择、层级更新和全面更新。

    During the interaction with the environment , creative enterprises consist of three types of learning mechanisms : reinforcement learning , routine learning belief learning . The four categories of selection mechanism are naive selection , management options , grade update and comprehensive update .

  18. 创意企业之间的互动是创意企业和创意产业知识创新和知识扩散的重要途径,是创意企业微观演化和创意产业宏观演化的中观传导。

    The interaction among creative enterprises is the important way for the innovation and spread of creative industries and creative enterprises knowledge innovation and knowledge . The interaction among creative enterprises is also the middle conduction for micro-leveled creative enterprises evolution and macro-leveled creative industries evolution .

  19. 设计创意是企业品牌化发展的原动力

    Design Creativeness is the Motivity of Enterprise 's Brand Development

  20. 从利益相关者视角对创意产业企业员工忠诚度的研究

    To Study on Staff Loyalty of Creative Industries Enterprise from the Perspective of Stakeholder

  21. 它具有一种非常特殊的魅力,强烈吸引着创意型企业。

    There is a very special kind of glamour that is highly attractive to creative types .

  22. 文中对设计创意是企业品牌化发展的原动力作了进一步的探讨与研究,品牌设计创意是设计师情感的表达;

    This paper further explored on the creative brand design 's motivity in the development of corporate brand .

  23. 开放式创新模式描述了让各种创意流入企业和让各种创意流出企业的必要性。

    The open innovation model shows the necessity of letting ideas both flow out of and flow into the corporation .

  24. 产业集群有利于新技术、新创意在企业之间传播和应用,降低成本,促进市场化经济发展等作用。

    It is of benefit to application and transmission of new technologies , ideas , reduction of cost and promotion of market-oriented economy development .

  25. 但从总体来看,创意经济企业上市的数量、比例和直接融资的规模仍然较少。

    Overall , however , the number of enterprises listed on the creative economy , the proportion of direct financing of the scale is still small .

  26. 创意产业企业的办公园区在规模、使用群体、生产媒介等方面不同于工业区园区以及传统的创意产业园,是一类新出现的建筑项目类型。

    Creative industries office park is different from the Industrial Area Park and Creative Industry Park in terms of scale , the use of groups , production and working media .

  27. 集群的发展路径可首先重点引进时尚创意相关企业,进而逐步引进相关和辅助企业形成一条完整的产业链共同促进集群发展。

    Cluster Development Path first to focus on the introduction of innovative fashion related businesses , and gradually introduce related and supporting businesses to form a complete industrial chain work together to promote cluster development .

  28. 一个好的创意是企业萌芽的种子,当这个萌芽得到人才、技术、资本、市场几方面支持后就会催生出一个企业。

    A good originality is a seed for new company , when there are suitable earth such as person with ability , technology , capital and market being given for this seed , so a new enterprise birth .

  29. SparkTruck部分一直是由Kickstarter资助,这是一家为创意项目及企业捐款筹集资金的网站。

    SparkTruck has been partly funded by Kickstarter , a website that raises money for creative projects , and corporate donations .

  30. 与创意型初创企业学校不同的是,CFE要求它所支持的10名创业者拥有品牌的时间不得少于两年。

    Unlike the School for Creative Start-Ups , the CFE requires the 10 entrepreneurs it backs to have had a label for a minimum of two years .