
fēn zǔ jiāo huàn
  • packet switching
  1. 如同在Wikipedia中所定义的,Internet是世界范围内、可公开访问的一系列互相连通的计算机网络,这些网络通过使用标准Internet协议(IP)的分组交换传输数据。

    As defined in Wikipedia , the Internet is a worldwide , publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol ( IP ) .

  2. 对分组交换网非平稳过渡过程的路由选择问题进行了分析。

    A detailed analysis of routing decision in packet switching networks in a nonstationary transient environment is made .

  3. 有QoS保证能力分组交换网络的体系结构设计

    Architecture Design of Packet Switching Network with QoS Guarantee

  4. IP语音通信是指将语音数据包压缩之后,利用IP协议通过分组交换网传输。

    IP voice communication is a technology that transmitting the data through the packet-switched network after data compression .

  5. 在分组交换网中实现QoS保证是近年来网络研究的热点。

    Providing QoS guarantee in packet-switching network has been a key issue these years .

  6. 在核心网领域,专家们已经达成使用IP分组交换网络的共识。

    Specialists have arrived at a conclusion that IP packet switching will be the dominant technology in the back-bone networks .

  7. 分组交换技术的发展对互联网的兴起和互联网协议(IP)很重要。

    The packet switched technology has grown in importance with the rise of the Internet and Internet protocol ( IP ) .

  8. 基于传统电信网的成本模型已不适用于基于分组交换技术的IP网络。

    The cost model for traditional telecommunication network can not be adapted to IP network which is using packet switching technologies .

  9. 基于WDM网络的光分组交换结构

    The architecture of photonic packet switching based on WDM Networks

  10. VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol,IP电话)技术的发展促使语音业务从物理电路交换到数据报分组交换的转变。

    VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) techniques prompt the transfer of audio service from circuit switch to package-based switch .

  11. Internet采用了广泛应用的TCP/IP协议,IP数据报的传送平台可以是任何现有分组交换网络。

    Internet adopts a popular TCP / IP protocol and the IP data group 's transmitted platform can be any packet-switching network .

  12. 利用以分组交换为基础的IP网络为广大客户提供语音业务,是近些年语音通信发展的新趋势。

    Recently , it has become a new trend to provide audio service to customers using IP-based and packet-based internet instead of PSTN .

  13. 更关键的是,IP网络因其固有的无连接、分组交换的特性,不可避免地会造成网络拥塞。

    For the IP networks have the characteristics , such as connectionless and packet switch , they can not avoid the congestion indeed .

  14. QoS技术是分组交换网络的关键技术,是网络仿真首先要考虑的问题。

    QoS is the key to the packet-switched network and should be considered with high priority for the network simulation .

  15. 对于远程测试多媒体网络的需求进行了详尽的分析,提出了一种利用IP分组交换网建立虚拟专用网络的网络模型。

    After a detailed analysis of multi-media network on remote satellite tests , a virtual special multi-media network model using IP exchange nets was proposed .

  16. 利用分组交换网组建金融POS网

    To Employing The Packet Switch Network Establish Financial POS Network

  17. 交通信息采集系统中基于分组交换技术的GPRS应用与系统设计

    The system design and application of GPRS based on the packet switching in the traffic information center system

  18. 与集成服务模型相比,区分服务不仅具有良好的可扩展性,而且更容易在传统IP分组交换网络上实现。

    In contrast to integrated service architecture , DiffServ is not only more scalable , but also easier to be deployed in traditional packet switching networks .

  19. 分组交换网是当今全球通信基础设施的重要部分,IP网络终将与其他网络相互融合,演化成为新一代网络技术。

    The packet-switched networks are an important part of today 's global communication infrastructure . IP network with other network technology will become the new generation network .

  20. 目前在通信网中所采用的交换方式有代表性的主要有:电路交换、分组交换、ATM交换及IP交换。

    At present , adoptive representative switching mode in communication network ways includes circuit switch , packet switch , ATM switch and IP switch .

  21. PPS的集中和分布式并行分组交换算法分析

    Analysis of CPA and DPA for PPS

  22. Internet是一个建立在TCP/IP协议基础上的开放的分组交换网,由于其在最初设计时缺乏安全考虑,导致目前Internet的安全性能严重不足。

    Internet is an open packet switching network built on TCP / IP protocol . The lack of security considerations when it was designed have led to the current Internet security seriously inadequate .

  23. 但是,使用基于IP(internetprotocol)的分组交换来传输数据不可避免地要面对抖动、分组到达失序和分组丢失等问题。

    However , transmission data based on IP ( Internet Protocol ) packet switching has to inevitably envisage jitter , out of sequence delivery of packets , and loss of packets .

  24. 对数据流量进行合理调度在诸如TCP/IP这样的分组交换网络提供QoS服务过程中是很重要的。

    It is important to schedule data traffic reasonably if QoS is required in a packet switched data network such as TCP / IP network .

  25. 本文研究分组交换数据网与ISDN互连的性能分析。

    Perfomance Analysis on the interworking of PSDN and ISDN is considered in the paper .

  26. ITU-T制定的H.323标准是在分组交换网络上运行会议电视系统的国际标准。

    ITU-T Recommendation H.323 is an international standard of videoconferencing systems over packet-based networks .

  27. Banyan分组交换网络非阻塞方法探讨

    The Approach of Nonblocking Methods About Banyan Packet Switch Network

  28. 金融POS机在公用分组交换网上的应用,对使用信用卡的客户购物更方便。

    It 's more convenient for the credit consumers to apply finance POS to public group exchange network .

  29. WAP协议可以运行于不同的承载服务上,包括短消息、基于电路交换的数据业务、分组交换数据业务等。

    WAP protocol could run on different transportation services , including SMS , CSD , GPRS and so forth .

  30. DWDM光分组交换节点中的预留信道路由控制算法

    A Channel-Reserved Routing Control Algorithm for Decreasing PLR of High-Priority Data in a DWDM Optical Packet Switching Node