
  • 网络Ice box;icebox
  1. 在冰盒上制备胶原凝胶,然后置培养箱中37℃中使其凝固成为胶原凝胶。

    Prepares collagen gel on the ice box and then put into 37 ℃ incubator .

  2. 在冰箱发明以前,最伟大的发明就是冰盒。

    Before refrigerators were invented , the next best thing was an ice box , but .

  3. 在冰盒上取出完整子宫,剪下周围脂肪及附属物,称重,然后纵向剖开子宫腔,剥离胎儿、胎膜后再称量子宫净重。

    An intact uterus removed in the ice box , cut around the fat and appendages , weighed , and then cut open the uterine cavity vertical stripped fetal membranes and then weighing the uterus weight .