
  1. 关东文化的象征&楛矢石砮

    The Symbol of Culture in the East of Pass & Stone Arrows

  2. 对古村落景观的改造和设计主要包括以下几个方面:街巷空间改造设计、青云溪河道景观改造、闯关东文化广场设计、民俗展馆改造设计。

    The transformation of the ancient village landscape design includes the following aspects : the transformation of street space design , landscape transformation the Albatron River Road , pass through the East Cultural Square Design , Folk Hall renovation design .

  3. 关东文化模式包含了制度性依赖、外来性促进和官本位的基础3个因素,这3个方面既促进了昔日东北区域经济的辉煌,又是今日东北现象的内在根源。

    The " cultural model of Northeast " includes three elements that are institutional depending , external promotion and power center , which both the elements made the prosperity of northeast in the past and the elements cause the " northeast phenomena " today .