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  1. 海宁月月有大潮,天天可观潮,但历代相传之观潮节日,以农历八月十八为盛。

    Although a daily occurrence , people consider the18th day of the8th lunar month as the best day to enjoy the tidal bore .

  2. 八月十八日以色列车队行至一条环以埃边境到旅游城市埃拉特的公路时,遭到猛烈袭击。此后巴拉克作出了上述决定。

    The decision comes after an audacious attack on August18th on Israeli vehicles travelling on a scenic road that hugs the Israel-Egypt border and ends at the resort town of Eilat .

  3. 韩国基督教协进会八月十八日致函公营「韩国广播系统」,抗议它播放以女同性恋者生活为题材的电视剧。

    The Christian Council of Korea yesterday issued a letter of protest to government-run Korean Broadcasting System over its airing of a television drama depicting the lives of a group of lesbians .

  4. 非常壮观。整个天空都是红色,海水在太阳下静静地涨落。八月十八潮/壮观天下无。

    It was great . The whole sky was red and the sea came and went quietly under the sun . What on earth can hope to give a spectacular sight / Like the tides on the eighteenth of August at night .