
miǎn yì shí bié
  • Immune recognition;immunologic recognition
  1. 免疫识别结果表明登革热CIC中存在特异性病毒抗原及IgG、IgA、IgM抗体和补体C3组份。

    The existence of specific dengue antigens , IgG , IgA , IgM and C3 in CIC was demonstrated by immunologic recognition .

  2. 寻常型天疱疮抗原桥粒芯糖蛋白4片段的克隆和免疫识别初步研究

    Cloning and Immunologic Recognition of Antigen Desmoglein 4 Fragments in Pemphigus Vulgaris

  3. γδT细胞对EB病毒转化人类B淋巴细胞的免疫识别

    Immune recognition of EB virus transformed B lymphocytes by γδ T cells

  4. 方法:应用SDSpage及考马斯亮兰染色技术对鸡卵核提取物进行蛋白组份分析;应用westernblot技术对鸡卵核蛋白抗原进行免疫识别分析。

    Methods : The extracts from egg nucleus were analysed by SDS PAGE with Coomassie Blue staining and Western blot .

  5. SERS标记纳米粒子用于免疫识别

    Immunological Identification with SERS-labeled Immunogold Nanoparticles by Silver Staining

  6. 超抗原SED免疫识别机制的研究

    Study on Immune Recognition of Superantigen SED

  7. 最后,我们综合危险信号与现有AIS识别机制构造了协同免疫识别模型。

    By colligating danger signals and the commonly used AIS recognition mechanism , we construct a synergetic immunity recognition model .

  8. 超抗原SED空间结构的同源建模及其免疫识别位点的预测

    Homologous modeling of three-dimensional structure and prediction of active sites of immune recognition of superantigen SED

  9. 由此表明,SARS病毒引起人类发生严重疾病的原因可能与该病毒逃避机体免疫识别有关。

    This result may imply that the escape of SARS virus from human immune surveillance may be the causality plays a very of SARS virus infection .

  10. 改进后的Apriori算法以系统调用序列为数据源,从自我集和非我集中计算出频繁谓词,进而产生免疫识别规则。

    Revised apriori algorithm finds frequent predicates from system call sequence which is the raw data , and then to generate recognition rules .

  11. 目的:树突状细胞(Dendriticcells,DCs)是专业的抗原提呈细胞,是机体免疫识别与激发的基础,对机体抗肿瘤免疫有关键作用,是有良好应用前景的抗胃癌疫苗。

    Objective : Dendritic cells ( DCs ), due to its potent immune stimulating function , was termed as ' professional antigen presenting cells ' and play important role in anti-cancer response in immune system .

  12. MAGE-2新CTL表位免疫识别与抗原分子设计的研究

    Immune Recognition and Antigen Engineering Study of Novel HLA-A2-restricted CTL Epitopes Derived from the Tumor Antigen MAGE-2

  13. 此外,炎性分子可能通过旁活化的方式激活T细胞,Toll样受体对病毒抗原的免疫识别在炎症反应中发挥重要作用。

    Moreover , inflammatory molecules may be involved in a bystander activation of T cells in ocular HSV infection . Toll-like receptors recognition of viral pathogen-associated molecular patterns plays an important role in the inflammatory response .

  14. 肿瘤抗原TRAG-3的免疫识别及其免疫效应研究

    Study on the Immune Recognition and Immune Effector of TRAG-3

  15. 这些突变引起HPV16L2蛋白疏水性和抗原性的改变,提示HPV16L2基因突变可能与HPV16的系统发生以及病毒逃避机体免疫识别有关。

    The mutations of L2 proteins changed its hydrophobicity and antigenicity . The research suggested that the mutations of HPV-16 type L2 genes can explain HPV-16 phylogenesis and escaping from immune recognition .

  16. [结果]斯氏狸殖吸虫病患者血清与成虫抗原的10~30kDa显示较多免疫识别带,主带为22、24和26kDa。

    [ Results ] Using dot ELISA , the soluble antigens of adult were recognized by sera infected with P skrjabini . More reactive bands appeared at 10 ~ 30 kDa , but major protein bands were at 22 、 24 and 26 kDa .

  17. 用于未知病毒检测的免疫识别模型和算法研究

    Research on Immune Recognition Model and Algorithm for Unknown Viruses Detection

  18. 抗-转铁蛋白-纳米金探针的制备及对转铁蛋白免疫识别的光谱分析

    Immobilization of Anti-Transferrin On Nano-Gold and Its Immune Recognition of Transferrin

  19. 基于人工免疫识别系统的年龄估计

    Age Estimation from Facial Images Based on Artificial Immune Recognition System

  20. 先天性免疫识别侵袭的微生物,引起宿主防御反应。

    Innate immunity recognizes invading micro-organisms and triggers a host defence response .

  21. 基于模糊免疫识别方法的电力变压器故障诊断

    Power Transformer Fault Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Immune Recognition Approach

  22. CD4~+T细胞免疫识别的一种新理解

    A novel Interpretation About Immune Recognitions of CD4 ~ + T Cell

  23. 七七天癸竭时女子自身免疫识别状态的观察

    Observation of the Situation of Immunological Self Recognition of Woman in Menopause

  24. 然而,先天性免疫识别的分子机制还不清楚。

    However , the molecular mechanism for innate immune recognition was unclear .

  25. 多糖特异性免疫识别的分子机制及其免疫生物学意义

    Molecular mechanisms and biology significance of polysaccharide recognition by the immune system

  26. 昆虫免疫识别与病原物免疫逃避机理研究进展

    Advances in the mechanisms of insect immune recognition and pathogen immune escape

  27. 基于亲和度变异的入侵免疫识别方法

    Intrusion Immune Recognition Method Based on Affinity Mutation Mechanism

  28. 一种基于神经网络的免疫识别故障检测模型

    Immune Recognition Fault Detection Model Based on Neural Networks

  29. 基于危险理论的免疫识别新算法

    A Novel Immune Discrimination Algorithm Based on Danger Theory

  30. 免疫识别器动态覆盖性的选择策略

    Selection Strategy of Immune Detector for Dynamically Changing Coverage