
  • 网络clindamycin;Cleocin
  1. 盐酸克林霉素注射液与维生素C葡萄糖注射液配伍的稳定性

    Study on Stability During Compatibility of Clindamycin Hydrochloride Injection and Vitamin C and Glucose Injection

  2. 磷酸克林霉素与青霉素G钾治疗副鼻窦炎的临床疗效比较

    Comparative Study on the Therapeutic Efficacy of Clindamycin Phosphate and Penicillin G Potassium

  3. HPLC分析法在克林霉素磷酸酯合成工艺中的应用

    Application of HPLC in Synthesis of Clindamycin Phosphate

  4. HPLC测定克林霉素搽剂的含量

    Determination of Clindamycin liniment by HPLC

  5. 克林霉素磷酸酯凝胶的HPLC测定

    HPLC determination of clindamycin phosphate gel

  6. ADR发生率最高的是克林霉素注射剂;

    Clindamycin injection has the highest incidence rate of ADR ;

  7. 结论:注射用磷酸克林霉素与青霉素G钾比较治疗急性副鼻窦炎的疗效良好。

    Conclusion : The therapeutic efficacy of Clindamycin Phosphate for injection in treating acute rhinosinusitis is obviously superior to that of Penicillin G Potassium .

  8. RP-HPLC法测定母乳中克林霉素的浓度

    Determination of Clindamycin in Woman Milk by RP-HPLC

  9. 目的:探讨克林霉素或鱼腥草与左氧氟沙星联合作用对粘液型PA体外生物被膜的影响。

    To investigate the influence of Houttuynia Cordata Thunb or Clindamycm combined with levofloxacin on the mucoid PA biofilm .

  10. 采用HPLC法测定克林霉素磷酸酯凝胶的含量,利用预处理和调节流动相的方法排除辅料的干扰。

    Clindamycin phosphate gel was determined by HPLC . The interference from excipients was eliminated by pretreatment of sample and adjusting the mobile phase .

  11. 复方克林霉素锌凝胶是由克林霉素磷酸酯(clindamycinphosphate)和醋酸锌(zincacetate)组成的复方凝胶(简称复方CMPZA凝胶)。

    Clindamycin Zinc compound gel ( CMPZC compound gel for short ) is made up of clindamycin phosphate and zinc acetate .

  12. 目的探讨克林霉素对黏液型铜绿假单胞菌(PA)体外生物被膜的影响。

    Objective To investigate the influence of clindamycin ( CM ) on the biofilm of mucoid P. aeruginosa ( PA ) .

  13. 克林霉素磷酸酯降解产物的LC-MS研究

    Study on Degradation Products of Clindamycin Phosphate by LC-MS

  14. 感染后进入髓核的比例增加,除青霉素G外,其他药物髓核药物含量/血清药物浓度,感染组均大于正常组,并且妥布霉素和克林霉素明显增加(P<0.05)。

    The ratioes for the antibiotics , except for penicillin G , were increased in infected rabbit , with the ratios for tobramycin and clindamycin increased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 克林霉素磷酸酯注射液热稳定性研究及其降解产物的LC-MS初步鉴定

    Study on Thermal Stability of Clindamycin Phosphate Injection and Identification of Its Degradation Products by LC-MS

  16. 阳性对照组给予克林霉素磷酸酯凝胶0.5g均匀涂于患处。

    Positive control group were given clindamycin phosphate gel 0.5g evenly applied to the affected area .

  17. 入院后给予抗感染治疗,克林霉素注射剂1.5g静脉滴注,每日一次。

    After hospitalization anti-infectious treatment was given and 1.5g clindamycin was intravenously administrated daily .

  18. 克林霉素耐药菌株中有3株检测出ermF,PCR法进一步证实其位点不在质粒上;甲硝唑耐药菌株中均未检测出耐药基因与质粒。

    The ermF gene were detected in three of eight clindamycin resistant strains . None of them was found coded on bacterial plasmids .

  19. 44株阴沟肠杆菌耐药基因分析方法用PCR技术检测耐药基因,采用CLSI(NCCLS)推荐的D试验方法测定红霉素对克林霉素的诱导耐药表型。

    METHODS The antimicrobial-resistant genes were analyzed by PCR . The inducible resistance of erythromycin to clindamycin were checked by D-test according to the standards of CLSI ( NCCLS ) .

  20. 北京地区1998年到1999年分离GBS菌株对红霉素耐药率从8%增加到16%,对克林霉素耐药率从20%增加到28%;

    Erythromycin-resistant strains increased greatly from 1998 to 1999 , from 8 % to 16 % in Beijing , while clindamycin-resistant strains increased from 20 % to 28 % in that period .

  21. 强电离放电等离子体洗消沙林模拟剂DMMP试验方法采用2个厂家的鲎试剂对盐酸克林霉素注射液进行干扰试验。

    Experiments of sarin simulant DMMP decontamination by strong ionization discharging plasma METHODS The interfering action of Clindamycin Hydrochloride Injection and limulus lysate agent from two manufacturers were investigated .

  22. 方法根据美国临床实验室标准化委员会标准使用微量肉汤稀释法,检测192株肺炎链球菌对红霉素、克林霉素、青霉素、喹诺酮类抗菌药物的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)。

    Pneumoniae . Methods The minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of erythromycin , clindamycin , penicillin and fluoroquinolones against 192 strains of S.pneumoniae was tested with broth microdilution method according to the guidelines of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards .

  23. 方法Kirbybauer法检测2004年5&7月我院268株葡萄球菌对14种抗菌药物的耐药性,双纸片法检测可诱导克林霉素耐药。

    Methods Bacterial susceptibility testing was carried out on 268 strains of Staphylococci isolated from Renji Hospital from May to July 2004 using Kirby-Bauer method . Inducible clindamycin resistance was detected by double disk diffusion method .

  24. 目的探讨诱导型克林霉素耐药测定的临床价值和评价头孢西丁纸片扩散法检测耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌mecA基因。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical practicability of inducible clindamycin resistance and to evaluate the clinical value of cefoxitin disk diffusion method in detecting the mecA gene of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus ( MRS ) .

  25. 与左氧氟沙星、哌拉西林钠、头孢唑啉钠、克林霉素、阿昔洛韦、氨苄西林钠配伍后6h内相对百分含量均>90%;

    The percentage of each quantity of the mixture was more than 90 % after zedoary turmeric oil and glucose injection was mixed respectively with levofloxacin , piperacillin sodium , clindamycin , acyclovir , cefazolin sodium and ampicillin sodium for 6 h ;

  26. 两组患者因轻度烧伤无休克均未进行补液疗法,均以克林霉素0.6g抗感染。

    No large amount of solution was infused because the burned patients were mild and no shock was found . Both groups were received anti-infection treatment using 0.6 g of clindamycin .

  27. 方法按美国临床实验室标准化研究所(CLSI)推荐的纸片扩散法测定葡萄球菌对红霉素及克林霉素的耐药性,并以D试验测定红霉素对克林霉素的诱导耐药表型。

    Methods The ( resistance ) of Staphylococcus to erythromycin and clindamycin were tested by the E test , and D test was used to examine the type of erythromycin induced to clindamycin .

  28. 目的了解临床分离的耐甲氧西林表皮葡萄球菌(MRSE)和耐甲氧西林溶血葡萄球菌(MRSH)中,常见耐药基因存在状况及红霉素对克林霉素的诱导耐药率。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the antimicrobial-resistant genes and the percentage of inducible resistance of erythromycin to clindamycin in meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis ( MRSE ) and meticillin-resistant ( S.haemolyticus )( MRSH ) isolated from clinical samples .

  29. 并且,多重耐药现象严重,PRSP菌株中,有60%~90%同时对氯霉素、克林霉素、磺胺甲基异恶唑、红霉素、四环素耐药。

    And the phenomenon of multidrug resistance is become increasingly severe . There are 60 % - 90 % PRSPs which resist Chloramphenicol , Clindamycin , Sulfamethoxazole , Erythromycin , and Tetracycline .

  30. 甲氧西林敏感金黄色葡萄球菌(MSSA)对青霉素的敏感率仅17.1%,对四环素、克林霉素以及红霉素的敏感率为70%左右,对大多数β内酰胺类抗生素的敏感率>90%。

    Of the methicillin sensitive S. aureus ( MSSA ) isolates , only 17.1 % were sensitive to penicillin , 70 % sensitive to tetracycline , clindamycin and erythromycin , and more than 90 % sensitive to other β lactams .