
  • 网络keV;the photon energy
  1. 刻度剂量仪和剂量率仪以及确定它们对光子能量响应的γ和X参考辐射

    X and gamma reference radiation for calibrating dosimeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy

  2. 在加速器的内靶上产生的轫致辐射的最大光子能量将等于Ea。

    Bremsstrahlung produced at an internal target of the accelerator will have a maximum photon energy equal to Ea .

  3. X射线凭借其光子能量高、穿透力强等特点,已在科研、生产、生活等多个领域得到了广泛应用。

    Because of its high photo energy and strong penetrating force , X-ray has been used widely in lots of areas .

  4. 利用R矩阵方法在LS耦合下计算了光子能量在1-3Ry范围内N原子基态的光电离截面。

    Using R-matrix method the photoionization cross sections of ground state of atomic nitrogen are calculated for photon energies between 1 and 3 Ry.

  5. 当你将光子能量应用到任意场时,提升晶格层中所锚定的新DNA将被转化成以太身体并改变以太分子结构。

    As one applies photonic energy to any field , new DNA anchored in the ascension grid work will be transferred into the etheric body and alter the etheric cellular structure ;

  6. 理论上分析了光电导开关对于不同波长的光吸收机制,重点讨论了光子能量小于GaAs禁带宽度的激光触发开关的非本征光吸收。

    Different wavelengths of light absorption mechanism were analyzed theoretically about PCSS with emphases on the optical absorption of which the photon energy is less than that of GaAs bandgap .

  7. 利用分裂的屏蔽氢不透明度模型计算了Ar、Kr、Xe惰性元素混合物随光子能量变化的不透明度以及Rosseland平均不透明度。

    The frequency-dependent opacities and the Rosseland mean opacity for mixture of inertia elements Ar , Kr , Xe are studied using the splitting screened hydrogenic model .

  8. 光子能量收集算法。实践表明,蒙特卡罗方法能准确模拟出森林冠层BRDF,并能作为其他森林冠层BRDF模型的有效检验工具。

    This research shows that Monte Carlo is an effective approach to simulate the forest canopy BRDF and can be used to validate other forest canopy BRDF models .

  9. LICVD法纳米硅粉的制备及激光能量阈值研究结果表明在从探测器光子能量阈值直到BES上可产生的最大光子能量范围内,用目前的MonteCarlo可以在1%&3%的精度下模拟光子的探测效率。

    Nano-silicon Powder Produced by LICVD and Study of Laser Threshold Limit Value The results show that the Monte Carlo can simulate the photon detection efficiency of data in the precision of 1 % - 3 % .

  10. 结果GR100T/GR200A双元件TLD能鉴别出30~1250keV的光子能量,并可测量出几μGy的低水平剂量;

    Results Photon energy at 30 - 1 250 keV could be identified by means of the double-element TLD , and the effect of the TLD was also shown in the monitoring of low dose level field , which was even at several μ Gy .

  11. 本文介绍的FJ-407型个人照射量计,在光子能量16&250keV范围的能量响应误差低于20%。

    The FJ-407 personal exposure meter which is noted for energy response error less than 20 % at photon energy between 16 and 250 keV is described in this paper .

  12. 光子能量即将到来,而且你不能阻止它。

    The Photon Energy is coming and you can 't stop it .

  13. 受体对个人剂量计光子能量响应的影响

    Effects of receptor on photon energy RESPONSE-OF personnel dosimeter

  14. 穿透介质的光子能量的精密测量

    The precision measurement of the energy of the survival photon passed through a medium

  15. 绝对的光子能量与相对的原子势能

    Absolutive photon energy and relative atomic static energy

  16. 3×3锗酸铋晶体阵列探测器对于0.5&21MeV光子能量响应的研究

    The response of a 3 × 3 BGO detector array to 0.5 & 21mev photons

  17. 这个过程的实质是:光子能量转换成电能的过程。

    This process is : the essence of photonic energy conversion into electrical energy process .

  18. 元件破损实时监测与分析中裂变产物光子能量的选择

    Selection of gamma ray enemy from fission products for real-time fuel element rupture detection and analysis

  19. 当你进入光子能量,它实际将会腾出日光。

    As you move into the Photon Energy , it will literally block out the sunlight .

  20. 用于环境辐射剂量测量的圆柱形高气压电离室对光子能量响应的测定

    Determination of energy response of a cylindrical high pressure ionization chamber used for measuring environmental radiation dose

  21. 就启动装置而言,建造能吸收光子能量转变为电能的设备并不便宜。

    For starters , building a device capable of turning incoming photons into electricity isn 't cheap .

  22. 球型高压电离室壁厚对光子能量响应的蒙特卡罗优化设计

    Monte Carlo Method based Optimal Design of Wall Thickness Response of Spherical Ionization Chamber to Photon Energy

  23. 硬件系统方面,增加了一组多功能卡,更换了马达控制器,增加了光子能量反馈系统;

    The hardware upgrading includes adding a Multi-Card , changing the motor controller and introducing the photo-energy feedback .

  24. 这将会是光子能量笼罩整个地球表面和三天的黑暗开始之时。

    This is will be where the Photon Energy envelops the Earth plane and the three days of darkness begin .

  25. 对这问题可分为二个部份:首先,当你失去电力之时,光子能量将会替换它。

    There are two parts to this : First , as you lose electrical power , Photon Energy will replace it .

  26. 第三代太阳能电池包括多结型、中间能带性、载流子倍增型、光子能量转变型,其中只有多结型目前被应用到了实际当中。

    The third-generation includes multi-junction , middle band and carrier multiplication type , but only multi-junction is currently applied to the real product .

  27. 你将藉由光子能量参与进来而真正地离开第三度空间追上第四度空间。

    You will literally be leaving the Third Dimension and caught up in the Fourth Dimensions , with the Photon Energy mixing in .

  28. 数值计算了光诱导相结构转变系数对入射光子能量的依赖关系,与实验符合。

    The coefficient of photo-induced structural change as the function of incident photon energy is calculated numerically , and it agrees with experimental data .

  29. 光子能量,是可增加到身体每个细胞中的小粒小粒光芒,来培育一个基于光的新陈代谢。

    Photonic energy is particle based sparks of light that can be added to each cell of the body to foster a light based metabolism .

  30. 在铅屏蔽室内,γ光子能量从0.05&2MeV范围本底计数率为1053计数/min。

    The background counts of r-ray photons , whose energy range is from 0.05 to 2 MeV , is 1053 cpm in the lead shield .