
  • 网络dislocation theory
  1. 结果表明,RDX和HMX的放热稀释/结晶过程服从Burton-Cabrera-Frank位错理论。

    The results show that the exothermic dilution / crystallization processes of RDX and HMX accord with the Burton-Cabrera-Frank dislocation theory .

  2. 基于矩形位错理论、拉普拉斯平滑约束方法构建了震源参数InSAR反演的函数模型、随机模型及附等式约束的数学模型。

    According to the rectangular dislocation theory and Laplace smoothing constraint method , functional model , stochastic model and mathematical model with equality constraint appropriate for InSAR inversion for hypocenter parameter are proposed .

  3. 加工硬化后试样的X衍射分析显示,在喷丸处理条件下,高锰钢的加工硬化机制为位错理论和孪晶硬化理论,没有诱发马氏体相变。

    The analysis of X diffraction of the samples after hardening showed that under shot peening conditions , the strengthening mechanism of high manganese steel had deformation twinning density and dislocation density but no Martensite strengthening .

  4. 基于Okada弹性半空间位错理论,在网络环境下开发了D-InSAR同震干涉形变场远程模拟系统,并对玛尼地震同震形变场进行了解析模拟,获取了此次地震的部分几何学及运动学参数。

    Based on Okada elastic half space dislocation theory , a tele-computing system is developed , which can simulate the co-seismic D-InSAR interferometry deformation field at any Internet terminator .

  5. 为了在量热实验中应用BurtonCabreraFrank(BCF)位错理论,设计了Zn(Val)Ac2在水丙酮混合溶剂中的稀释/结晶体系。

    To apply the Burton-Cabrera-Frank ( BCF ) dislocation theory to the microcalorimetry experiment , a system of the dilution / crystallization process of Zn ( Val ) Ac 2 in the water-acetone mixed solvent was designed .

  6. 氢致Ⅱ型裂纹扩展的位错理论

    Dislocation Theory of the Hydrogen-Induced ⅱ - Type Crack Extension

  7. 低碳马氏体相变的位错理论

    The Dislocation Theory of Martensite Transformation in Low Carbon Steel

  8. 依据裂纹形核的位错理论对上述现象进行了分析。

    According to the dislocations theory of microcrack nucleation , these phenomena are explained .

  9. 用位错理论方法计算应力强度因子

    Stress - intensity factors calculated by dislocation theory

  10. 位错理论在金属切削中的应用

    Application of Dislocation Theory in Metal Cutting

  11. 30年代末,他在中国首次公开介绍晶体位错理论。

    In the late 1930s , he first openly introduced crystalline dislocation theory to China .

  12. 50年代,他为在我国推广位错理论作出积极贡献。

    In 1950s , he made lots of contribution in popularizing the dislocation theory in China .

  13. 可借助位错理论的某些方法来阐述湿软土壤的剪切变形机理。

    Dislocation theory can be used to describe the shear deformation mechanism of wet and soft soils .

  14. 最近,弹性固体的位错理论已经被应用于地震问题。

    Recently , the theory of dislocation in elastic solids has been applied to the earthquake problem .

  15. 文中对材料在冲击波作用下发生极化或去极化过程,应用位错理论进行解释。

    The polarization and depolarization processes in material under shock loading are interpreted by the theory of dislocation .

  16. 并进一步采用分布滑动模型,利用弹性半空间均匀位错理论反演得到同震断层滑动分布。

    The co-seismic fault slip distributions are further inverted using the elastic half-space homogeneous model with distributed slip model .

  17. 本文运用位错理论分析了裂纹成核、裂纹扩展机理;

    The mechanisms of nucleation , formation and propagation of cracks are analysed with dislocation theory in the paper .

  18. 疲劳裂纹扩展门槛值与晶粒尺寸关系的研究&位错理论的应用

    An Investigation on the Relation between the Fatigue Crack Propagation Threshold and Grain Size The Application of the Dislocation Theory

  19. 这种反演是在对当地断层活动有比较清楚的了解的基础上,依据位错理论进行的。

    The inversion is carried out based on the theory of dislocation and a well understanding about the local faults .

  20. 从位错理论出发导出了湿软土壤的剪切应力剪切应变时间关系。

    The shear stress - shear rate - time relationship of wet and soft soils is determined from the point of view of dislocation theory .

  21. 同样可以根据位错理论用钻孔应变仪观测资料反演现今断层活动。

    Modern fault activities can also be inversed with the same method based on the linear dislocation theory and applying the continuos recordings of borehole strainmeters .

  22. 采用弹性位错理论设计的模拟算例表明,该方法能成功地将位于断层两侧的测量点分辨开。

    By using the dislocation model , a simulated example is designed and shows that the proposed method can divide the measure points into different tectonic blocks successfully .

  23. 岩石变形和破坏方面的理论可以分成两个基本方向:变形固体的经典力学和位错理论。

    The theories on deformation and failure of rock are basically grouped into two . One is the classic dynamics of deformed solid , and the other is dislocation theory .

  24. 依据半弹性空间地震位错理论获得的静应力变化量,可以长期存在于邻近断层面上,直至下一次地震发生。

    The changes on static stress , acquired according to the half-space elastic dislocation theory , can exist on fault plane for a long time until the next strong earthquake .

  25. 结合位错理论和有限单元法,对介质横向不均匀性引起的直立走滑断裂地震水平位移场不对称性进行了数值模拟研究。

    Using the Finite Element Method ( FEM ) and dislocation theory , we simulated the asymmetric earthquake displacement field of a vertical strike-slip fault caused by laterally inhomogeneous medium .

  26. 分析了宏观残余应力分布不均的原因,提出了冷模锻模具改进的方案,并用位错理论解释了其硬化的原因。

    The paper analyzes the causes of non-homogeneous distribution of macro-residual stress and puts out the improvement schedule of dies in cold die forging , explains its hardening causes by dislocation theory .

  27. 根据用位错理论二维断裂力学模式推导的震源峰值、加速度与环境剪应力场关系式计算了新疆南天山环境剪应力值。

    Based on the expression of the relation among focal peak value , acceleration and environmental shear stress field , the environmental shear stress values in South Tianshan , Xinjiang are calculated .

  28. 作者根据位错理论,采用二维矩形破裂模式,在导出了平均震源速度谱的基础上,导出了用地震波计算环境剪应力τ0的公式。

    Authors have derived formulas for computation of ambient shear stress value from seismic wave on the base of dislocation theory and adopting a two-dimension rectangular faulting model and deriving average source velocity spectra .

  29. 本文利用三维位错理论分析了右旋左阶和右旋右阶断裂错动与单一断裂错动所产生的位移场及应变场的差别。

    We analyze the surface displacement and strain fields produced by left-step and right-step faulting for right lateral shear by using three-dimension dislocation model , and compare them with that produced by singly fault .

  30. 采用位错理论推导出了一个具有晶界迁移能、再结晶平均晶粒尺寸以及位错密度等材料物理参数再结晶动力学模型。

    A recrystallization kinetics model is deduced by dislocation theory . In the model , three parameters , such as migration energy for grain boundary , recrystallization grain size and dislocation density , are included .