
wèi zhì xìn xī
  • position information;positional information
  1. 该系统采用全球定位系统(GPS)进行车辆定位,采用无线通信系统进行车辆位置信息和车辆属性信息发送。

    The system receives vehicles position information by its GPS system in vehicles .

  2. 基于FPGA的开关磁阻电机位置信息及速度检测

    Position Information and Speed Measure of SRM Based on FPGA Technology

  3. 基于位置信息的服务(LBS,locationbasedservice)是近两年来非常吸引人们关注的一个课题。

    LBS , Location Based Service is a very hot research topic in recent years .

  4. 第二阶段由FPGA处理器实时检测轮廓线位置信息。

    Second , the head contour is detected in real time by FPGA processor .

  5. 在开车的时候,您的手机可能会收到被记录下来的GPS位置信息。

    As you drive , your cell phone might be sending GPS location information that is recorded .

  6. location数据类型包含point数据类型来最终提供如下所示的位置信息(经度和纬度)。

    The location data type contains the point data type that finally provides the location information ( longitude and latitude ) as described below .

  7. 利用地理信息系统(GIS)基于空间位置信息的技术特点,对河道贴体网格的自动化生成算法进行了研究。

    A new method based on geographic information system ( GIS ) is presented to generate body-fitted meshes automatically .

  8. 移动adhoc网络中基于预测及适时更新的位置信息服务

    Location Information Service Based on Location Prediction and Update in Time for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  9. 在LED分拣设备中,晶粒的位置信息是至关重要的,它为整个的分拣工作提供了基本参数信息。

    In the LED sorting equipment , the dies location information is essential and works for the entire basic parameter information .

  10. 地图系统及相关话题正变得热门&尤其是越来越多的移动设备带有GPS位置信息。

    The popularity of mapping and related topics is exploding & particularly as more mobile devices come equipped with GPS location information .

  11. 在传统的互联网体系协议中,IP地址既代表网络节点的位置信息,又代表网络节点的身份信息。

    In traditional Internet protocol , IP address not only represents the location of a network node in the internet , but also represents the identity .

  12. 然后,采用Kalman算法得到每个钢球运动参数的估计,获取运动钢球的位置信息。

    Then using Kalman arithmetic , the thesis obtained the estimation of every steel ball motion parameter and the position information .

  13. PSD(PositionSensingDetector)是一种具有特殊结构的光电二极管,它是一种新型的半导体位置信息连续输出探测器。

    PSD ( Position Sensing Detector ) is an especial photo-electricity diode , and it is a new-style semiconductor detector that outputting continuous position information .

  14. 基于位置信息的MANET路由协议综述

    A Review of Location-based MANET Routing Protocols

  15. 持续不断获取用户位置信息将会耗尽设备资源,所以请谨慎使用这些API。

    Continuously getting a user 's location can really drain the battery of a mobile device , so use these APIs with great caution .

  16. 除此之外,Twitter还存储位置信息,因为Twitter用户可以选择提供他们的位置。

    On top of that , Twitter also stores location information because Twitter users have the option of providing their location .

  17. 目前,目标位置信息的获取主要依赖地面测控系统提供,而搜救载体的位置信息则是基于美国全球定位系统(GPS)获取的。

    At present , the acquirement of the target position information on search and rescue vehicle is primarily obtained by the TT & C and GPS .

  18. 如果具有位置信息,请提供位置的纬度和经度,以便Exhibit在GoogleMaps内创建地图视图。

    If you have location information , provide it in terms of latitude and longitude so Exhibit can create a map view within Google Maps .

  19. 通过为Google地图提供一些位置信息(使用地址或坐标的形式),就可以构建一个可视化地表示该位置的地图。

    By giving Google Maps some location information ( in the form of addresses or coordinates ), you can build a map that signifies that location visually .

  20. 在这种配置方法中,IBMNAS服务器的位置信息集中存储于LDAP数据库中。

    In this method of configuration , the location information of IBM NAS servers is centrally stored in the LDAP database .

  21. 并用C语言编写了数据采集程序,完成自车速度的计算、转向、制动、油门位置信息的采集;

    The data collection program of the system is made by language C , it calculates own vehicle 's speed , and collects the information of steering , braking and accelerating pedal 's position .

  22. 第一章首先介绍了能够提供精确位置信息的全球定位系统(GPS)和我国将在空间建立的双星定位系统。

    Chapter 1 firstly introduces the both global position system ( GPS ) and Chinese constructing dual-star position system . which are able to give the accurate location information .

  23. 地理信息系统(GIS)运用地理模型对地理空间数据进行集成管理,可以进行综合分析、预测及虚拟现实等。它可以应用于几乎所有基于空间位置信息的工程、研究和管理领域中。

    Geography Information System ( GIS ) towards to various application fields has become a technology applied in almost all projects , study and management fields based on space information .

  24. 全球定位系统(GPS)是为用户提供免费而精确的经度,纬度和海拔三维位置信息与时间信息的无线电导航系统。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) is a radio navigation system which provides free users with accurate longitude , latitude and elevation of three-dimensional position information and time information .

  25. 实现了土地经纬度位置信息的采集,土地面积和距离的快速测量,系统具备数据联机通讯功能及定位数据的GIS处理。

    Achieve acquisition of Land latitude and longitude location information , land area and distance measurement , this system content online data communication functions and GIS positioning data processing . 2 .

  26. 该LBS系统采用分层结构:用户层、位置信息服务层和GIS空间数据层。

    The LBS system is divided into three levels & user level , the location based service level and the GIS spatial data level .

  27. 结果集中可以同时包含spool文件位置信息行和流文件位置信息行。

    The result set can contain rows with location values for both spool files and stream files .

  28. 为了改进移动adhoc网络中的广播性能,提出了节点位置信息辅助广播协议(LAB)。

    In order to improve broadcast performance in mobile Ad hoc networks , a broadcasting protocol that takes advantage of node location information ( LAB ) is proposed .

  29. 在详细分析和描述地理信息动态性的基础上,建立了矿山GIS中动态点位置信息的表达模型。

    In this paper , dynamic property of geographic information is firstly analyzed and described in details , and a model of describing positional information of dynamic point is further set up .

  30. 该服务器将位置信息和即时消息状态(例如,在线、离开、忙碌等等)作为SOAP服务来公开。

    This server exposes the location information and instant-messaging status ( for example , available , away , and do not disturb ) of an employee as a SOAP service .