- 网络associated mineral

The preliminary study on the features of the placer - gold and associated mineral in Aitai mountains
The Phyllite is picked form Xixiang region in Shanxi province . We find out the sericite content is 29.9 % by microscope and XRD , there are some other minerals in the rock , such as quartz 、 feldspar and chlorite .
Under different pH values of the medium , remarkable difference exists between cyanite and its associated minerals in their notation behaviour , which forms the basis of cyanite flotation . The scheme should be selected according to the variation of the gangue minerals for the flotation of cyanite .
Micro structure analysis of wollastonite and its associated minerals
Associated minerals are mainly magnetite and ilmenite , subordinately pyrite and rarely chalcopyrite .
The associated minerals are the important indicator of the genesis and enrichment of placer gold .
Research of the Influence of γ - Ray Irradiation on the Selective Flocculation of Fine Cassiterite
The categories and quantities of accompanying minerals provide beneficial information for exploring the provenance of tapis lazuli .
The process flows are very simple . Barite concentrate is usually output after single-stage washing , two-stage crushing and single-stage jigging separation , without recycling associated minerals ( such as fluorite ) .
Ore bodies range in the fracture zone and anticline core , with accompanying minerals like as quartz , pyrite , arsenopyrite , sphalerite , galena , tetrahedrite , chalcopyrite , antimonite and chlorite .
In this research , the occurrence of the associated minerals in kaolinite is complicated and it is difficult to separate , so it is necessary to do some research systematically on the mineral properties and refining .
The Status of Radioactive Pollution due to Associated Minerals and Countermeasures Study
Objective To study and establish the regulatory Limits of radiological protection for minerals associated with radionuclides .
Methods To deduce the limits according to the international and domestic references in combination with china 's practices .
The results show that molybdenite is the main recoverable metal mineral and bismuthinite and scheelite are the associated metal minerals recoverable .
There are many types of tin sulphuric ore accompanied with many valuable minerals , thus it has high utilized , economic and academic research value .
Generally sPeaking , the PorPhyry coPPer contains a great quantity of valued associated minerals , of which most can be recovered comprehensively , especially associated gold and silver .
In the paper , the effect of lead nitrate , sodium humate and sodium silli - cate on surface electrical properties and floatability for wolframite and main - ly associated gangues-quartz , elbaite and calcite was studied .
It is discovered that sodium can be used as a characteristic component of omphacite in the eclogite and Na 2O content is in proportion to the purity of omphacite .
Analysis of the Mineral Feature of Associated Hard Kaolin of Huaibei Mine area
The elements associated intimately with uranium are Fe , Se , Pb , Si , Ti , Cr and S and the mineral assemblage of uranium includes pyrite , galena , brannerite and its closely related selenium mineralization .