
  1. 在上海这个中国国际服务贸易发展的前沿城市,快件运输、邮轮旅游、会展、文化以及体育服务贸易等新型国际服务贸易已经逐渐走上前台,成为引领上海经济发展的新支柱。

    In Shanghai , where has the fastest development of the International Trade in Services within China , late-model International Trade Services such as express mail transport , cruise travelling , exhibition , culture and also sports have become the pillar to take the led of development of Shanghai economy .

  2. 会后将成为会展中心和文化设施,如首都青少年宫、城市规划展览馆等。

    After the Games , these buildings will be turned into convention and exhibition centers and cultural facilities , such as Capital Youth Palace and Urban Planning Exhibition Hall , etc.

  3. 会展建筑作为对文化、特色要求较高的地域标志性建筑,不仅代表着城市的形象,而且从一个侧面也反映出所在地区居民的文化底蕴、生活质量和审美情趣。

    As the regional sign with higher culture and unique feature , the CEA not only represents the city 's image , but also also reflect the culture of the dweller , life mass and the appreciate beauty interesting aspect in that region .

  4. 文章探讨了长沙城市会展品牌定位的迫切性,并依据长沙城市形象定位,及对长沙文化产业、现有文化会展品牌的分析,阐述了将长沙会展业定位为文化会展城市的理由。

    This paper discusses the urgency of Changsha city MICE brand positioning . After analyzing Changsha 's cultural industry and culture MICE , also according as Changsha city image positioning , it positions Changsha as a culture MICE city .