
  1. 整个欧洲占据了全世界会展市场的半壁江山,2000年欧洲的市场分额是59%。

    Europe accounted for half of the world exhibition market in2000 , Europe 's market share is59 % .

  2. 在会展市场重心“东移”的国际大形势下,发展会展旅游为中国的旅游业创造了新的亮点。

    Under the international tendency of tourism market developing from west to east , development of MICE tourism will create a bright future for tourism industry in China .

  3. 在群雄混战的中国会展市场,如何通过厘清发展战略,进而谋求转型升级成为传统会展企业必须面临和解决的问题。

    In the complex china convention and exhibition market , how to adjust the strategy and seek for the transformation and upgrading have become a necessary problem that the traditional exhibition enterprises have to face and need to solve .

  4. 郑州会展旅游市场的SWOT分析及发展对策研究

    The SWOT Analysis of Convention and Exhibition Tour Market of Zhengzhou and the Research on the Development Tactics

  5. 优越的商务环境培育出繁荣的商务会展旅游市场。

    The superior business environment creates the prosperous MICE tourism .

  6. 沈阳会展旅游市场开发研究

    A Study of the Exploitation of the Market of Conference Tourism in Shenyang

  7. 聚焦饭店会展旅游市场

    Focusing on Hotel Convention Tourism Market

  8. 为此,应加速会展业市场化、加速会展业的资本化、加速会展营销的系统化,等等。

    Therefore , measures must be taken to strengthen the market regulation , capital orientation and systematic marketing of exhibition industry in Guangdong .

  9. 其巨大的市场潜力及高额回报,吸引着越来越多的国家和地区政府及民间组织加入到会展旅游市场的竞争中来。

    Due to its huge market potential and high returns , it attracts a growing number of national and regional governments and civil society organizations to join the market for competition .

  10. 对昆明会展旅游市场的优势、劣势,以及面临的机遇及挑战进行了分析,提出了在新的市场环境下的发展对策。

    The paper commits an analysis of its advantages , weaknesses , opportunities and threats for developing MICE tourism in Kunming and puts forward measures for develop ˉ ment in the newmarket environment .

  11. ⑶既有有关旅行社在会展旅游市场定位的深入研究很少,本文运用战略管理理论阐述了旅行社在会展旅游市场的全新定位的依据、方法和步骤。

    ⑶ There are few study articles about travel agencies in the MICE tourism market correct positioning , this paper elaborates the basis approach and methods of positioning systematically based on the strategic management theory research .

  12. 郑州市会展经济的市场培植与拓展

    Market cultivation and extension of MICE economy in Zhengzhou City

  13. 厦门会展旅游目标市场分析及其营销策略

    Analysis on Target Market and Marketing Strategy of Xiamen 's MICE Tourism

  14. 会展经济是市场经济的产物,因其强大的经济效能和社会效能而被世界各国关注。

    The exhibition economy is a result of the market economy , and is paid close attention to by the countries all over the world because of its strong economic and social efficiency .

  15. 我国会展业处于弱市场阶段。

    The exhibition industry is in weak market stage .

  16. 我国现代会展业是社会主义市场经济的产物,是市场经济交换过程中的一个重要环节。

    The modern convention and exhibition industry in China is the product of socialist market economy , an important link of the exchange process of Market Economy .

  17. 企业应提高展会组织、策划、服务水准和经营管理水平,争创名优品牌,提升中国会展业的国际市场竞争力和影响力。

    Enterprises should improve exhibition organizing , plan , service standard and managerial skill , strive for a better popularity and reputation as a brand , try to attain a stronger position in the international market .

  18. 会展业与会展旅游市场开发

    MICE Industry and the Market Development of MICE Tourism

  19. 因此,规范会展知识产权行为,维护会展市场秩序,促进会展业健康发展的工作就显得越来越重要。

    Therefore , it is become more and more important to consolidate the behaviors of standard intellectual property , maintain the orders of exhibition markets , and promote the health development of exhibition trade .

  20. 中国会展业的蓬勃发展,使得会展人才市场需求和会展学历教育呈现出前所未有的发展活力。

    The vigorous development about Chinese exhibition industries causes the human resources requirement of exhibition and the school education of exhibition presents the unprecedented development vigor .

  21. 首先,界定会展经济的概念,阐述会展经济是市场经济的产物,其强大的经济联动功能与社会效能成为国民经济增长不可或缺的一部分。

    Part one : Define the concept of the exhibition economy , explaining exhibition economy is the result of market economy , Its strong economy links the function and social efficiency and becomes an indispensable part of national economic growth .

  22. 但是,伴随着会展教育规模的快速扩张,会展教育与市场的供需矛盾日益突出,也使原本稀缺的教育资源不堪重负。

    But , following the fast-expansion scale of it , exhibition education and market supply and demand becoming contradictory day by day , and it causes the scarce educational resources to be unable to withstand the load originally .

  23. 文章分析了郑州市会展经济发展的条件,对郑州市会展经济的市场培植和拓展提出了对策。

    Conditions for developing MICE in Zhengzhou City were analyzed and some suggestions were put forward .

  24. 通过将整合营销理念在我国会展旅游企业中的有机结合和应用,对我国会展旅游企业的市场营销战略进行了积极有益地探索。

    This paper apply IMC to China 's MICE corporation in order to positively probe the marketing stragety of China 's MICE corporation .

  25. 展商在会展价值链中处于核心地位,对其消费感知研究,有利于会展市场的细分。

    The merchants participating in the trade fair are key factor in the value chain of trade fair , so it 's very useful to study on their consumption perception for the segmentation of trade fair .

  26. 本文首先分析了我国的会展产业现状,运用产业组织理论中的SCP范式对我国会展业的市场结构、企业行为和市场绩效进行了分析研究。

    This thesis has analyzes the current situation of convention and exhibition industry in our country at first , using SCP normal form in the industrial organization theory to study market structure , enterprise 's behavior and market performance of the exhibition industry .

  27. 随着大量国际性会展项目和地方自主会展项目的开展,我国已成为世界公认的会展旅游市场之一。

    With a large number of international exhibition projects and local independent exhibition projects ' developing , China has become one of the world recognized MICE tourism market .

  28. 本文在总揽美国现有的会展职业认证培训项目的基础上,对美国会展职业认证培训体系进行了分析,进而提出了中国会展职业认证培训市场存在的主要问题及发展对策。

    This paper , based on the overall view of America MICE occupational accreditation training programs , makes an analysis of America training system and furthermore puts forward China 's major problems and developing countermeasures .

  29. 首先对相关的概念,是会展旅游的概念进行界定,其次分析会展与旅游的相互关系,会展旅游发展的条件和经济功能,最后阐述会展旅游的市场外部性理论和市场营销理论。

    Secondly , analyzing the reality between MICE and tourism 、 the conditions of the forming of MICE tourism and their economic function . Finally , explaining it 's marketing theories .