
huì huà cénɡ
  • session layer
  1. 消息数据模块按照OSI网络模型分为会话层,传输层和网络层。

    The message module has session layer , transport layer and network layer .

  2. 在使用NetBIOS的网络上,会话层被使用。

    On a network using NetBIOS , the session layer is used .

  3. 会话层/表示层协议是OSI高层协议的一部分。

    The session and presentation layer protocols is a part of OSI upper layer protocols .

  4. 在不使用NetBIOS的网络上,会话层将被简单地省略。

    On a network not using NetBIOS , the session layer is simply left out .

  5. 该文根据TCP协议的特点,在原有协议的基础上新增了一个三层结构的网络应用层,通过对其中的逻辑链路层和会话层的研究与设计,提高TCP协议通信传输的可靠性。

    Based on the character of TCP , The article enhances a three - layer net application , which includes the Logical Link Control and Session Layer , to raise the reliability of communication .

  6. VPN技术能够被多个网络层次上的安全协议所支持,如数据链路层上的PPTP,网络层上的IPSec,会话层上的SOCKS等。

    VPN technology can be implemented by many security protocols on different network layers , such as PPTP on data link layer , IPSec on network layer , SOCKS on session layers and so on .

  7. 本文遵循ISO/OSI参考模型,将汉字以太局部网简单地划分为:物理层、MAC层、LLC层、传输层、会话层、网络管理层和应用层。

    In this paper , based on ISO / OSI reference model the Chinese-Ethernet LAN protocol is divided into seven layers , i. e. the physical , MAC , LLC , transport , session , network management and application layer .

  8. OBEX是由红外数据协会(IrDA)开发的用于红外数据链路上交换数据对象的会话层协议。

    OBEX is a session protocol developed by the Infrared Data Association ( IrDA ), which acts the role of exchanging data objects based on the infrared data connections .

  9. 针对终端设备的注册原语和会话层、网络层、链路层的通信机制,假设了若干不安全因素,用Petri网建立了入侵者模型,通过对模型的分析,得到相应的应对方案。

    Eventually , the correctness and completeness of protocol is validated . ( 2 ) For the registration of terminal device and the communication mechanism of session layer , network layer and link layer , some factors of insecurity are assumed and intruder model is set up by Petri net .

  10. OBEX作为蓝牙协议栈中面向应用的会话层协议,提供了灵活的目标文件交换方式。

    OBEX ( Object Exchange ), a user-oriented protocol in Bluetooth stack , provides a united criterion for putting and getting data objects ( File and Directory ) simply and flexibly .

  11. 本文通过对形式化描述技术LOTOS语言和ISO/OSI会话层标准的简要介绍,较详细地讨论了用LOTOS语言对OSI会话层的形式化规范描述,给出了其结构模型及一些重要的模块结构描述。

    After a brief introduction to the formal description technique LOTOS and ISO / OSI session layer standard , this paper specifies the OSI session layer in detail and an architectural model and some important models are given .

  12. 局部网络会话层协议的设计和应用

    The Design and Application of Protocols for LAN Session Layer

  13. 基于会话层细粒度访问控制扩充中的关键问题

    Key Question in Fine Grain Access Control Extension Based on Session Layer

  14. 会话层提供此前描述的会话服务。

    The session layer provides the session services described earlier .

  15. 会话层和传输协议组合的描述名。

    Descriptive name for the combination of session layer and transport protocol .

  16. ISO/OSI会话层协议是开放系统互连七层模式中的重要组成部分。

    ISO / OSI Session Layer is an important part in the OSI 7-layer model .

  17. 针对这种情况,论文提出一种基于网络会话层的垃圾邮件行为识别方法。

    To deal with the problem , the paper proposes a method of spam behavior recognition based on data mining in session layer .

  18. 会话层向上层应用提供发送和接受消息的接口,传输层负责消息的封装和分发。

    ASL provides interfaces to send and receive message for upper applications , and MTL responds to the encapsulation and distribution of messages .

  19. 文中通过设计呼叫者事例和应答者事例两个主要结构体,采用状态机机制实现了实时协议的会话层和应用层。

    Through the design of the two structures , caller instance and replier instance , the session and application layers of RTP are implemented by the state machine .

  20. OSI/RM将计算机网络将网体系结构划分为应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层和物理层七个层次。

    OSI / RM classify the structure of the network into application layer , presentation layer , session layer , transport layer , network layer , data link layer and physical layer .

  21. 基于会话层网关协议细粒度访问控制扩充中的两个关键问题是获取访问请求所用应用协议和认证效率。

    The two key question in the extension of fine grain access control based on session gateway protocol are acquiring application protocol name that is used by access request and authentication efficiency .

  22. 我们使用EJB会话Facade层来表示用例。

    We use an EJB session facade layer to represent the use cases .

  23. IP多媒体通信系统分别在媒体会话控制层、媒体数据承载层和内容语义层引入P2P技术。

    An overlay network of distributed multimedia communication system is therefore constructed.P2P technologies are introduced into IP multimedia communication system on media session control layer , data transportation layer and content semantic layer respectively .

  24. 这还可以独立于会话复制层扩展应用层。

    This allows to scale out application tier independent of the session replication tier .

  25. 添加和设置节点以及节点属性只能修改临时的会话存储层。

    Recall that adding and setting nodes and node properties only modifies the transient session storage layer .

  26. 然后改进主体的结构,提出一种知识层、会话控制层和通信层的三层结构,在原有主体结构中增加交互协议解释器。

    Then it proposes a three-layer agent structure which contains knowledge layer , conversation-control layer and communication layer .

  27. 其次,本论文确立了一个对问句进行批评性分析的四层框架,即从语音层、词汇层、会话结构层和语类结构层来揭示会话中的问句与权势关系。

    On the other hand , the dissertation sets up a four-layered critical framework of questions . In other words , questions and power relations can be revealed at the phonological level , the lexical level , the conversational structure level and the generic structure level .

  28. SIP是由IETF制定的基于IP网络中用于创建、修改以及终结一个或多个多媒体会话的应用层控制协议,协议简单灵活,并采用分布式的控制模式。

    SIP , made by IETF , is a application-layer control protocol for creating , modifying , and terminating multimedia sessions with one or more participants in IP network . It has the advantages of simple , flexible and distributed control mode .

  29. 会话含义是意义层的概念,系统功能语言学理论非常重视对意义的研究,认为意义系统是由社会符号所决定的。

    Conversational implicature is the concept of meaning . It is held in systemic functional linguistics that the meaning is determined by the social semiotics .