
  1. 仿制产品以多种方式对公共卫生发挥作用。

    Generic products serve public health in multiple ways .

  2. 世卫组织不仅仅是支持仿制产品。

    WHO not only supports generic products .

  3. 我们也当然不赞成采取任何行动,使仿制产品的竞争力下降。

    And we certainly do not favour any initiative that reduces competition from generic products .

  4. 席勒指出,在这种情况下仿制产品造成的危害尤为突出,因其可能使消费者感到迷惑。

    This approach makes copycat products particularly damaging , Mr Schiller argued , because customers might become confused .

  5. 仿制产品与原创产品相比会便宜很多,仿制产品生产商之间的竞争会使价格进一步降低。

    Generic products are considerably less expensive than originator products , and competition among generic manufacturers reduces prices even further .

  6. 知识产权伏击民营企业,凭仿制产品,商标过日子越来越难了;

    For them , now it is much more difficult to do business by copying others'products and trademarks when property right is now in effect .

  7. 当出现仿制产品后,市场的竞争常导致显著的低价,无论是原商标产品还是仿制产品。

    When generic products become available , the market competition often leads to substantially lower prices for both the original brand name product and the generic forms .

  8. 一些设计师也不愿唤起消费者对仿制产品的注意,尽管那些产品在用料和工艺方面品质低劣,但看上去与原品非常相似,而且价格低得多。

    Some designers also are reluctant to call attention to copycat products that , though inferior in materials and workmanship , look remarkably similar and are priced much lower .

  9. 横机CAD软件是电脑横机的核心配套软件,国产的横机CAD软件基本是仿制国外产品,缺少技术创新,严重制约了我国电脑横机产业的发展。

    Pattern preparation system is the core software of computerized flat knitting machine . The domestic software is imitation of foreign products basically . So it is lack of technical innovation , and it has seriously hampered the development of computerized flat knitting machine industry in China .

  10. 在此次访问中,默克尔还尖锐地批评了中国企业仿制德国产品的行为。

    During the visit , Ms Merkel also sharply criticised China for copying German products .

  11. 如何快速、直接、精确的对实物原型进行仿制是产品创新设计和快速原型制造面临的主要问题。

    How to model the practicality rapidly , directly and accurately is a crucial problem in product creation design and rapid prototyping .

  12. 尽管俄国担心中国逆向仿制其产品,但中国的金钱和进入中国微电子领域的诱惑是很大的。

    Despite Russian concerns over China 's reverse-engineering of its products , the lure of Chinese money and access to China 's micro-electronics base is strong .

  13. 中国的造假者手段非常先进,有能力迅速仿制专利产品和技术,然后销往全国各地,或是出口。

    China 's counterfeiters are highly advanced and have the ability to copy patented products and technology quickly and then distribute it for sale around the country or for export .

  14. 例如,一个市场领袖可能很快发现,有人窃取了它的知识产权,并仿制它的产品,从而削弱了它的价格定位。

    For example , a market leader can quickly find its intellectual property has been stolen , its products copied and its price position undercut .

  15. 在品牌创建过程中,忽略品牌识别要素的开发与研究,盲目仿制,造成产品结构失衡。

    In the process of brand building , brand recognition overlooked elements of the development and research , blind imitation , resulting in product mix imbalance .

  16. 大陆工业有限公司仿制了我方产品的外型及商标。

    Continental Industrial Co Ltd cop and imitated the outward appearance and trademark of our product .

  17. 世卫组织推动使用仿制药品,反对为符合世卫组织标准的仿制产品的生产和国际贸易设置障碍。

    WHO promotes generic medicines and opposes barriers to the production and international trade of generic products that meet WHO standards .