
rén qún yì ɡǎn xìnɡ
  • Population Susceptibility;herd susceptibility
  1. DNA加合物是一类重要的生物标志物,可应用于人体致癌物暴露监测、癌症风险评价和人群易感性研究。

    DNA adducts is a very important class of biomarkers of human exposure to carcinogen , cancer risk assessment , and population susceptibility .

  2. 同时,雌激素对RA的效应在剂量及人群易感性等方面存在着差异,其确切的作用机制还需进一步深人探讨。

    Meanwhile , the effect of estrogen on RA has differences and more studies should be made to explore the mechanism of it .

  3. 新病毒的人群易感性驱动流感大流行。

    Population susceptibility to infection by a new virus drives the dynamics of an influenza pandemic .

  4. 结论因多年低疫苗接种率和低发病率,使人群易感性增加,加之乙脑预防措施削弱,是造成乙脑流行的主要原因。

    [ Conclusion ] Lacking of vaccination and low incidence are the major causes for the increase of susceptibility among the populations of Simao City .

  5. 结论:载脂蛋白B(TTTA)n12.8/13.8基因型的人群CHD易感性增高,12.8等位基因可能为CHD的易感基因。

    Conclusion : The 12.8 / 13.8 genotype of the locus in apolipoprotein B increases susceptibility to CHD and the 12.8 allele may be a susceptible gene of CHD in Chinese population .

  6. 食管癌人群遗传易感性的流行病学研究

    An Epidemiological Study on Inherited Susceptibility to Esophageal Cancer

  7. IL-6-6331基因多态性对中国人群胃癌易感性的影响

    Polymorphisms in Interleukin-6-6331 Influences the Susceptibility of a Chinese Population to Gastric Cancer

  8. 环氧化酶-2基因多态性与回族人群胃癌易感性的关联

    Correlation between the nucleotide polymorphisms of COX-2 and the susceptibility to gastric cancer in Hui ethnic group

  9. 研究小组得出结论:其他因素,如人群的易感性或者鼠类和跳蚤的生态,也会帮助疾病的传播,很可能是造成中世纪大规模死亡的原因。

    Other factors such as the population 's susceptibility or the ecology of rodents and fleas , which help spread the disease were probably responsible for the medieval massacre , the team concludes .

  10. 宁夏回族人群食管癌易感性与HLA-DRB1及DQB1等位基因多态性的关联研究

    Association Study of Polymorphisms of HLA-DRB1 、 DQB1 in Genetic Susceptibility to Esophageal Cancer in NingXia Hui Population

  11. 结论:本研究初步得出SREBP-2基因1784G>C位点多态性可部分解释高胆固醇血症人群膳食干预易感性的差异,但仍需进一步证实。

    Conclusions : The serum TC and LDL-C cholesterol responsiveness to dietary change in hypercholesterolaemia population may be partly explained by variation at SREBP-2 gene 1784G > C polymorphism .

  12. 人群的甲肝易感性平均为30.21%。

    Tho average susceptibility of this , group was 30.21 % .

  13. 日本血吸虫病流行区人群再感染易感性的研究

    Studies on the susceptibility to reinfection with Schistosoma japonicum in endemic populations

  14. γ-干扰素和白介素-10基因多态性与中国广东地区汉族人群肺结核易感性关系的研究

    The Correlation between the Genetic Polymorphisms of Interferon - γ, Interleukin-10 Gene and the Susceptibility to the Development of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Guangdong Han Population

  15. 东乡族族源撒尔塔说商榷&兼论东乡族的形成γ-干扰素和白介素-10基因多态性与中国广东地区汉族人群肺结核易感性关系的研究

    On the Origin of the Dongxiang Ethnic Group : A Discussion on " Saerta " & On the Formation of Dongxiang Ethnic Group ; The Correlation between the Genetic Polymorphisms of Interferon - γ, Interleukin-10 Gene and the Susceptibility to the Development of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Guangdong Han Population

  16. HLA基因多态性与广东汉族人群湿热证候易感性的相关性研究

    Correlation of the Polymorphism of HLA Alleles with the Susceptibility of Damp-heat Syndrome in Guangdong Han 's Population

  17. 研究人员上周说,莫克公司HIV疫苗临床实验的失败,也许会增加参与实验人群对AIDS的易感性。

    An HIV vaccine made by Merck that failed in clinical trials may have increased the susceptibility of some trial participants to the AIDS virus , researchers reported last week .