
  • 网络Horizontal transmission;Horizontal infection
  1. 造成HBV家庭内聚集的原因可能是垂直传播和遗传因素及水平传播综合作用的结果,而母系在垂直传播中具有重要意义。

    It is suggested that the etiology of HBV contagiosity of familial inhabitation is a combination of vertical transmission , horizontal transmission and genetic factors .

  2. 年龄、受教育程度和出生地点主要影响乙肝疫苗的免疫接种,而海门市HBV感染主要来源于垂直传播途径和通过内窥镜、牙科诊疗和家庭内共用牙刷等水平传播途径。

    Age , educational level and place of birth mainly effect hepatitis B vaccine immunization , and Haimen HBV infection is mainly from vertical transmission and horizontal transmission by endoscopy , dental and sharing a toothbrush in family .

  3. 初步提示,垂直克隆传播,而不是水平传播在其16SRRNA甲基化酶耐药基因扩散中发挥重要作用。

    This may suggest the vertical transfer but not the horizontal transfer has played an important role in the dissemination of the 16S rRNA methylase gene rmtB in proteus mirabilis .

  4. 目的通过对日托儿童口腔中变形链球菌(S.mutans)水平传播的研究,为儿童龋的早期预防提供新思路。

    Objective To analyze genotypic diversity of oral Streptococcus mutans ( S.mutans ) and find out horizon-tal transmission possibility of the microbe in day-nursery children .

  5. 测序和同源性分析表明,它们之间的同源性为999%,提示Wolbachia在白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊可能存在水平传播的方式。

    The result of sequencing and homology analysis testifies their homology is 99.9 % . It suggests that Wolbachia may have a possible horizontal transmission mechanism .

  6. 海门市HBV存在家庭内或家族聚集感染,可能是垂直传播,遗传因素,水平传播综合作用的结果;从病毒学方面看,HBV家族聚集性感染和非家族聚集感染临床类型差异不大。

    There is HBV infection within the family or family gathering in Haimen , which may be the combined result of vertical transmission , genetic factors and horizontal transmission . But there is non-significant difference of clinical types between familial and non-familial aggregation in virology .

  7. 乙型肝炎病毒的水平传播和围产期传播

    The horizontal and perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus infection

  8. 不同免疫方式阻断乙型肝炎病毒母婴水平传播

    Blocking of Mother-to-infant Horizontal Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus by Different Immunization Strategies

  9. 甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗病毒的水平传播

    Horizontal transmission of live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine virus

  10. 既可垂直传播,也可水平传播。

    It transmits both vertically and horizontally .

  11. 大气低频遥相关及其水平传播机制的解析研究

    A analytic study on the mechanism for low frequency teleconnection and horizontal propagation in atmosphere

  12. 该病通过鱼卵行垂直传播,也可经养殖水体行水平传播。

    The disease is transmitted both horizontally via the water pathway and vertically via the egg .

  13. 目的探讨甲型肝炎(甲肝)减毒活疫苗接种后的病毒水平传播。

    Objective To investigate the horizontal transmission of viruse after inoculation with live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine .

  14. 当下游传播无法满足需要,例如,当需要水平传播时。

    When downstream propagation does not meet the requirements ; for example , when horizontal propagation is required .

  15. 还对在细水雾喷洒下聚合材料做成的厚燃料床上火焰的水平传播进行了试验。

    Horizontal flame spread over thick fuel beds of polymeric material ( PMMA ) under water mist suppression has been investigated .

  16. 而从分子生物学角度认识细菌的耐药机制,主要集中于基因突变和耐药基因水平传播。

    To study the mechanism of drug resistance from the site of molecular biology , we focus on gene mutation and gene transfer .

  17. 禽脑脊髓炎病毒可以经粪口水平传播,也可以通过鸡胚垂直传播,因此用感染了禽脑脊髓炎病毒的鸡群所产的鸡胚生产疫苗,就有可能使疫苗污染该病毒。

    Consequently contamination of vaccine is likely if eggs used for vaccine production are derived from flocks infected with avian encephalomyelitis virus ( AEV ) .

  18. 耐药性细菌及其耐药基因会在动物、环境、人体之间水平传播,从而对人类健康造成了严重威胁。

    The resistant bacteria and resistant genes could horizontally spread among animals , environments and humans , which posed a serious threat to human health .

  19. 同样,驾驶员的安全气囊隔离开方向盘,显著地减少振动水平传播给司机。

    Similarly , the driver 's airbag is isolated from the steering wheel , significantly reducing the level of vibration transmitted through to the driver .

  20. 因此,军曹鱼仔鱼是鱼类诺达病毒的易感种群之一,病毒能通过水平传播感染军曹鱼仔鱼。

    So the results demonstrated that R.canadum juveniles were susceptible to nervous necrosis virus and the virus could transmit horizontally among the juveniles by water .

  21. 结论:1.兰州市新生儿念珠菌检出率以及母婴间念珠菌的传播率较其他地区高;新生儿念珠菌感染与念珠菌的水平传播和垂直传播均相关。

    The Candida isolation rate of newborn infants and transmission rate from mother to their neonate in Lanzhou are higher than that reported in other areas .

  22. 由此证明人志贺菌不仅可以感染雏鸡还能造成水平传播,并且在此过程中其毒力大质粒不会很快丢失。

    It proved human shigella not only infected chickens but also caused the horizontal transmission , and the virulence plasmid could not lost immediately in the process of transmission .

  23. 并在玩具和便具上发现有巨细胞病毒,故认为,幼儿园小儿间互相密切接触,可能导致巨细胞病毒在幼托机构的水平传播。

    CMV was discovered from toys and container for urination at a day care center . Therefore , it is considered that close contact among the children at day care center will happen transmission of CMV .

  24. ,锈孢子器4月初开始出现,锈孢子放散期50天,4月26日至5月20日为飞散高峰期,水平传播距离25米,垂直扩散5米。

    The spreading duration of aeciospore is 50 days . The Peak period is from 26 of April to 20 of May . The spore could be caught at 30m distance and 5m hight at the least .

  25. 鸡伤寒是由鸡伤寒沙门氏菌引起的,以肝、脾等实质器官的病变和下痢为特征,发生于成年鸡和青年鸡的败血性传染病,该病既可水平传播,也能垂直传播。

    Fowl Typhoid is caused by salmonella typhimurium , with the characteristic of liver , spleen and other essential organs lesions and diarrhoea , which is a septic infectious disease that occurs in adult chicken and young chicken .

  26. 一般认为副黏病毒主要通过病禽的胴体、内脏、排泄物或分泌物以及污染的饲料、水源、草地、用具等经消化道、呼吸道或眼结膜进行水平传播。

    It is generally believed that the paramyxovirus is disseminated by horizontal transmission primarily through diseased poultry carcasses , offals , excrements or secretions and contaminated feed , water , grass , appliances , etc. via the digestive tract , respiratory organ or conjunctiva .

  27. 认为在当代社会,流行的传插过程以水平传播为主。在这种传播模式下,对服装企业如何调整市场营销策略,主动适应市场变化提出了一些看法。

    The authors believe that in the contemporary society , the leading fashion adoption process is the " trickle across " model , and give out some suggestions about how apparel enterprises adjust their marketing strategies for the propose of adapting the changes in the fashion market .

  28. 目前为止,34个省份中已有18个报道出现H1N1社区水平的传播。

    So far , 18 of34 provinces have reported community transmission of the virus .

  29. 血清学测定的结果与血检相一致,而恶性疟原虫抗原与食蟹猴疟原虫抗原测出的抗体阳性率与GMRT,分别与该地恶性疟与间日疟流行水平和传播强度呈正相关。

    The results of serological assessment coincide well with those of blood examinations , the positive rates of antibodies and the GMRT level being proportionally related to the malaria endemicity and the transmission intensity of P.falciparum and ;

  30. 内波不仅可以沿着水平方向传播,而且还具有垂向传播的特性。

    The internal waves can propagate along the level direction and the perpendicularity one .