
rǔ fáng
  • breast;boob;mamma;uber;hooter;bubby;dug;staphylion
乳房 [rǔ fáng]
  • [breast] 人类女性和其他雌的哺乳动物胸前隆起的产乳的腺性器官,仅在产后哺乳期有正常泌乳功能

乳房[rǔ fáng]
  1. 她摸到自己的乳房上有一个肿块。

    She could feel a lump in her breast .

  2. 每月要检查一次乳房是否有肿块。

    Check your breasts for lumps every month .

  3. 在英国,50岁以上的妇女被建议每三年做一次乳房X光检查,而其检查结果由两位单独的专家进行分析。

    In Britain , women over 50 are advised to get a mammogram every three years , the results of which are analysed by two independent experts .

  4. 但对扫描结果的解读也有可能出错,而且在所有乳房X光检查结果中,有一小部分要么是假阳性(将健康病人误诊为患有癌症),要么是假阴性(在疾病的传播过程中,没有诊断出疾病)。

    But interpreting the scans leaves room for error , and a small percentage of all mammograms either return a false positive - misdiagnosing a healthy patient as having cancer - or false negative - missing the disease as it spreads .

  5. 如今谷歌健康中心的研究人员已训练出一个人工智能模型,它可以通过乳房扫描来检测英国和美国数千名女性是否罹患癌症。

    Now researchers at Google Health have trained an artificial intelligence model to detect cancer in breast scans from thousands of women in Britain and the United States .

  6. “妈咪整容术”可以包含多种整容手术程序,通常包括使腹部皮肤紧致的腹部拉皮手术,去除多余脂肪的抽脂术,以及乳房提升手术(使用或不使用假体)。

    So-called mommy makeovers can involve a variety of procedures , but often involve tummy tucks to tighten2 stretched abdominal3 muscles , liposuction to remove excess fat and a breast lift , with or without implants4 .

  7. “比基尼医疗”是一种非正式说法,指的是一些医疗职业人士在治疗女性时,把注意力放在与乳房和生殖部位相关的健康问题上,而不是检查女性的整体健康状况。

    Bikini medicine is an informal term that refers to the tendency of some medical professionals to focus on health issues relating to the breasts and genital areas when treating women . This is as opposed to taking a look at the woman 's overall health .

  8. 与之相比,一次乳房X光摄影检查仅仅只会给你带来0.7毫西弗的辐射。

    by contrast , a mammogram only gives you about 0.7 millisieverts .

  9. 在做完乳房X光检查之后,愿意等待医生的电话。

    the willingness to breathe through waiting for the doctor to call after your mammogram .

  10. 她可以选择简单地每半年做一次乳房X光检查,也可以选择做活检。

    She was given the option of just mammograms every six months or having a biopsy .

  11. 乳房X光检查就容易误诊出乳腺癌,因为乳房的任何一点小异常就可能会被视为肿瘤。

    Mammograms are famous for misdiagnosing breast cancer , since every little anomaly in the breast can look like a tumor .

  12. 在这项研究中,加拿大女性被随机分配给训练有素的护士,进行定期乳房X光检查和乳房检查,或者只进行乳房检查。

    It randomly assigned Canadian women to have regular mammograms and breast exams by trained nurses or to have breast exams alone .

  13. 新的指引发表在《内科学年鉴》(AnnalsofInternalMedicine)上。其中一个最大的变化是,工作小组建议大多数50岁以下女性不要使用乳房X线照片。

    One of the biggest changes is that the task force now advises against mammograms for most women under fifty years old .

  14. 这个创意如此“高超”,以至于反对移民的丹麦人民党(DanishPeople'sParty)也提议在该国电影中加入乳房画面。

    The idea was so brilliant that the anti-immigrant Danish People 's Party proposed sticking breasts into Denmark 's film .

  15. 文德博士指出,改善后的治疗方法显然有助于降低乳腺癌死亡率,做乳房X光检查也是一样,因为可以提早发现癌症。

    Dr. Wender added that while improved treatments clearly helped lower the breast cancer death rate , so did mammography , by catching cancers early .

  16. 她原以为支持乳房X光检查的证据肯定会更加有力,因为大多数国家都支持乳房X光筛查,反对PSA筛查。

    She had assumed that the evidence for mammography must be stronger since most countries support mammography screening and most discourage PSA screening .

  17. 星期二,中国一家医院宣称,医生用4D打印技术为一位乳腺癌患者进行了乳房重建。

    A Chinese hospital announced on Tuesday that doctors have recreated a breast for a cancer patient using 4D printing .

  18. 这些研究结果不会立刻导致乳房X光检查准则的更改,很多倡导者和专家几乎肯定会对“乳房X线检查总体无用,甚至有害”的观点进行质疑。

    The findings will not lead to any immediate change in guidelines for mammography , and many advocates and experts will almost certainly dispute the idea that mammograms are on balance useless , or even harmful .

  19. 尽管绝大多数女性都是直到40多岁才开始每年进行乳房X光摄影检测,美国癌症协会仍然建议:那些直系亲属中有乳腺癌病史的女性应该尽早做该检查。

    While the majority of women don 't have to start going for annual mammograms until their 40s , the ACA also recommends early mammogram screening for women with a first-degree relative who has had breast cancer .

  20. 而且这种筛查本身具有危害——通过乳房X光检查发现并进行了治疗的癌症肿块中,有五分之一对女性的健康并不构成威胁,也不需要进行化疗、手术或放疗等治疗。

    And the screening had harms - one out of five cancers found with mammography and treated was not a threat to the woman 's health and did not need treatment like chemotherapy , surgery or radiation .

  21. 卡拉格博士关于这项研究的社论标题是《乳房X光检查泛滥》(TooMuchMammography),文中使用来自临床试验的汇总分析数据,把乳房X光检查跟前列腺癌的前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)筛查相提并论。

    Dr. Kalager , whose editorial accompanying the study was titled " Too Much Mammography , " compared mammography to prostate-specific antigen screening for prostate cancer , using data from pooled analyses of clinical trials .

  22. 他还说,乳房X光检查的临床试验的综合数据显示,在40多岁的女性中,乳房X光检查至少降低了15%的乳腺癌死亡率,在年龄更大的女性中降低了至少20%。

    He added that combined data from clinical trials of mammography showed it reduces the death rate from breast cancer by at least 15 percent for women in their 40s and by at least 20 percent for older women .

  23. 历史上规模最大、最严格细致的乳房X光检查研究之一,对所有年龄段的女性进行这种筛查的价值提出了强有力的新质疑。这项研究持续了四分之一个世纪之久,涉及9万名女性。

    One of the largest and most meticulous studies of mammography ever done , involving 90000 women and lasting a quarter century , has added powerful new doubts about the value of the screening test for women of any age .

  24. 但跟这项新研究同时发表的一篇社论说,那些发现乳房X光检查有利于女性的早期研究,是在如今常规使用的药物大幅降低乳腺癌死亡率之前进行的,这些药物包括他莫昔芬(Tamoxifen);

    But an editorial accompanying the new study said that earlier studies that found mammograms helped women were done before the routine use of drugs like tamoxifen that sharply reduced the breast cancer death rate .

  25. 57岁的艾比·豪厄尔(AbbyHowell)住在西雅图。两年前,X光检查显示她的乳房有钙化现象,而有时这是癌症的征兆。

    Abby Howell , 57 , who lives in Seattle , two years ago had some calcifications show up on a mammogram , which are sometimes a sign of cancer .

  26. 一周前,在《公告牌》(Billboard)音乐奖的颁奖礼上,詹妮弗·洛佩兹(JenniferLopez)露出腹部的大半以及乳房的下侧,这件礼服的设计者是……呃,让我查查。

    To the Billboard Music Awards a week ago , Jennifer Lopez bared most of her stomach and the undersides of her breasts in a creation by ... hmm , let me look that up .

  27. 而现在的我们为了活下来,就要常常将自己暴露于辐射之下,因此医生为你检查断裂的骨头或是给你做乳房X光摄影检查(mammogram)的时候,就会大体为你说明一下关于X射线“安全曝光”的原理。

    Now , we 're constantly exposed to radiation just by being alive , so there 's a general guideline for " safe exposure " to X-rays , which the medical profession sticks to when they look for broken bones or give you a mammogram .

  28. 麦当劳渴望能够保持现有的logo,于是麦当劳雇佣了LouisCheskin——他是一个心理学家同时也是一个设计顾问。并且声称这个金色拱门是一种弗洛伊德营销,可以让顾客看到这个logo会想到是一对滋养的乳房,让客户感到饥饿。

    Louis Cheskin , a psychologist and design consultant hired by McDonald 's urged them to keep the current logo , claiming that the golden arches had a Freudian effect that made customers imagine a pair of nourishing breasts , which then made them hungry .

  29. 日常使用的增加物还包括心脏起搏器,内部心脏除颤器(ICDs)以及更为常见的假牙和硅胶乳房植入物等。

    Then there are pacemakers and internal cardiac defibrillators ( ICDs ) , as well as more common augmentations like dentures and silicone breast implants .

  30. 这项研究本周二发表在《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)上,在如今这个乳腺癌治疗手段更加有效的时代,对乳房X线检查进行的严格评估寥寥无几,它就是其中一个。

    The study , published Tuesday in The British Medical Journal , is one of the few rigorous evaluations of mammograms conducted in the modern era of more effective breast cancer treatments .