
  • 网络Kobun Chino Otogawa;Kobun Chino;Kobun-Chino Roshi;Kobun Otogawa
  1. 一段时间之后,乔布斯和其他人觉得不够,于是铃木让自己的助手乙川弘文(KobunChino)开办一家全天候开放的禅宗中心。

    After a while he asked his assistant , Kobun Chino Otogawa , to open a full-time center there .

  2. 17年后,乙川弘文主持了乔布斯的婚礼。

    seventeen years later Kobun would perform Jobs 's wedding ceremony .

  3. 有一天晚上,我们在和乙川弘文一起冥想,这时外面下起了雨,

    One evening we were meditating with Kobun when it was raining ,

  4. 这所寺庙靠近卡梅尔,是乙川弘文的另一处教学点。

    a monastery near Carmel where Kobun also taught .

  5. 他们有时候会讨论,乔布斯是否应该完全投身到精神追求中,但乙川弘文不赞成这么做。

    They sometimes discussed whether Jobs should devote himself fully to spiritual pursuits , but Kobun counseled otherwise .

  6. 布伦南住在一间小公寓里,很多时间都待在乙川弘文的禅宗中心。

    she had a small apartment and spent a lot of time at Kobun Chino 's Zen center .

  7. 乔布斯开始每天都和乙川弘文见面,每几个月都会一起静修、冥想。

    He began meeting with Kobun almost daily , and every few months they went on retreats together to meditate .

  8. 到1977年夏天,布伦南又搬回了洛斯阿尔托斯,在乙川弘文的禅宗中心的空地上搭帐篷生活了一段时间。

    By the summer of 1977 Brennan had moved back to Los Altos , where she lived for a while in a tent on the grounds of Kobun Chino 's Zen center .