
  • 网络World Day Against Child Labour;the world day against child labor
  1. 2012年世界无童工日:人权与社会公正

    Statement 2012 on World Day Against Child Labor : Human Rights and Social Justice

  2. 6月12日是一年一度的世界无童工日,为此,联合国国际劳工组织呼吁全球提高意识:强迫数以百万的儿童去工作会使他们缺少教育,从而导致贫穷的恶性循环。

    The United Nations International Labor Organization marked the annual World Day Against Child Labor on Thursday to raise global awareness about the cycles of poverty that force millions of children into work , often denying them the chance to an education .

  3. 在世界无童工日这一天,我们与国际社会一道重申我们制止世界各地剥削童工劳动的行为的承诺,并特别指出制止童工劳动与推进人权之间的重要关系。

    On this World Day Against Child Labor , we partner with members of the international community to reiterate our commitment to ending exploitative child labor around the world , with a particular recognition of the important relationship between eliminating child labor , and promoting broader human rights .