
  • 网络world car free day;World Car-Free Day;World Carfree Day;Bike Day
  1. 问题3:巴黎的世界无车日将会发生什么?

    Q3 : What will happen on World Car Free Day in Paris ?

  2. 世界无车日是9月22号。

    World Car Free Day is September22nd .

  3. 问题4:是什么促使巴黎市长在这座城市推广第一个世界无车日?

    Q4 : What motivated the mayor of Paris to promote the first World Car Free Day in her city ?

  4. 为了纪念世界无车日,本周日,巴黎市中心几乎一半的地方将只能步行或骑自行车进入。

    Almost half the centre of Paris will be accessible only by foot or bicycle this Sunday to mark World Car-Free Day .

  5. 在世界无车日这天,这位穿着代表汽车框架的老兄出现在圣保罗的公交站。

    A man wears a costume representing a car frame as he sits at a bus stop on World Car Free Day Paulo .

  6. 这是为了应对日益严重的空气污染,巴黎一度成为世界上污染最严重的城市。去年,市长安妮·伊达尔戈发起了第一个世界无车日。

    This is in response to rising air pollution that made Paris the most polluted city in the world for a brief time.Mayor Anne Hidalgo promoted the first World Car Free Day last year .