
  • 网络International Youth Day
  1. 今年国际青年日纪念活动的重点是青年移徙问题。

    This years observance of International Youth Day focuses on the issue of youth migration .

  2. 本次国际青年日的主题是青年与精神健康,口号是精神健康事关重大。

    The theme of this International Youth Day is Youth and Mental Health , under the motto Mental Health Matters .

  3. 值此国际青年日之际,我鼓励各会员国、青年领导的组织和其他利益攸关方采取行动,促进青年移徙者的权利,并最大限度地发挥青年移徙在促进发展方面的潜力。

    On this International Youth Day , I encourage Member States , youth-led organizations and other stakeholders to act to promote the rights of all young migrants and maximize the development potential of youth migration .