
  • 网络World Autism Awareness Day;World Autism Day
  1. 这份指南是免费的,并且在世界自闭症日同步发布。

    The guide is free and launched to coincide with World Autism Day .

  2. 4月2日为世界自闭症日。

    April the 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day ( WAAD ) .

  3. 今天是世界自闭症日,请关注“星星的孩子”。

    Today is World Autism Awareness Day , please pay attention to " children of the stars " .

  4. 并且在世界自闭症意识日当天的全球性社区活动中,宣扬关怀及照顾自闭症患者的热心。

    It will be a day when individuals with autism are warmly welcomed and embraced in community events around the globe .

  5. 世界提高自闭症意识日致辞

    Message for World Autism Awareness Day

  6. 世界提高自闭症意识日不仅仅是为了加深了解,它更是一次行动呼吁。

    World Autism Awareness Day is about more than generating understanding ; it is a call to action .

  7. 值此2010年世界提高自闭症意识日活动之际,我们要牢记的是,我们每个人都能担负起这一责任。

    As we commemorate World Autism Awareness Day2010 , let us remember that each of us can take on that responsibility .

  8. 今年的世界提高自闭症意识日让我们有机会祝贺自闭症谱系障碍者的创意思维,并重申我们帮助他们实现巨大潜力的誓言。

    This years World Autism Awareness Day is a chance to celebrate the creative minds of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders , and to renew our pledge to help them realize their great potential .