
  • 网络The World Intellectual Property Day;World IP Day
  1. 每年的4月26日为世界知识产权日。

    World Intellectual Property Day takes place on April 26 every year .

  2. 今天是世界知识产权日,知识产权使创新成为可能,我们为此欢庆。

    Today , World Intellectual Property Day , we celebrate the rights that make innovation possible .

  3. 中国说这次的销毁是针对下周二的世界知识产权日的。

    China said the destruction was meant to ring in World Intellectual Property Day , which falls Tuesday .

  4. 在4月26日的世界知识产权日到来之前,还将进行更多公开销毁活动,官方新闻机构新华社说。

    More public burnings will be held in the lead-up to World Intellectual Property Day on April 26 , said Xinhua , the official news agency .

  5. 值此第10个世界知识产权日,我们谨向科学家、发明家、作家、作曲家以及其它对全人类贡献良多的创意者致敬。

    On the tenth anniversary of World Intellectual Property Day , we salute the scientists , inventors , writers , composers and other creative individuals who contribute so much to our common humanity .

  6. 1999年,世界知识产权组织提议建立世界知识产权日。

    WIPO decided in 1999 that a special day was needed each year to highlight what intellectual property is .