
zhuān lì shuō mínɡ shū
  • patent specification;patent description
  1. 专利说明书在未经告知的情况下不得更改。6.affirmativelyadv.肯定地

    The specification of a patent should not be amended without notification .

  2. 从功能翻译理论角度论专利说明书的汉译

    On Translation of Patent Specification in Light of Functionalist Translation Theory

  3. 化工英文专利说明书的文体特点及翻译

    Stylistic Features and Translation of the Chemical English Patent Specification

  4. 网上免费专利说明书全文的获取及专利检索技术

    Getting Free Full-text Patent Instructions on Internet and Searching Tips

  5. 美、日、德三国专利说明书对比分析

    Comparative Analyses on American , Japanese and German Patent Specifications

  6. 而不看到环球公司的专利说明书?

    And without seeing the Global patent specification ?

  7. 中国专利说明书的网上传输

    Transferring Chinese Patent Specifications on Internet

  8. 从这份专利说明书中不可能发现该发明所需的有关竖井、偏转装置和密封容器的相关尺寸。

    " It is impossible to discover from the specification what relative dimensions of the shaft , deflecting member and closed container , will satisfy the requirements of the invention " .

  9. 本文通过实例从词法、句法角度对英文专利说明书的文体特征进行分析阐述,说明其特点、规律及翻译方法。

    This essay analyzes the stylistic characteristics of the chemical English patent specification from its unique diction , syntax , with some examples , and explores its characteristics , and the ways and regulations of its translation .

  10. 以上就是应予适用的原则,现在我们回到本案中的专利权利说明书中来。

    That being the principle to be applied , we turn to the specification of the patent in suit .

  11. 专利的说明书或专利的申请的修订,只可以该专利或申请的真确文本的语文作出。

    An amendment to the specification of a patent or to an application for a patent may only be made in the language of the authentic text of the patent or application .

  12. 首先必须记住,专利的权利说明书是做给那些对该专利涉及事项有一定了解的人看的。

    The first thing to be remembered , in specifications of patents , is that they are addressed to those who know something about the matter .

  13. 这些事项应在主管机关的出版物中,特别是应在有关的专利证书和说明书中予以载明。

    These particulars shall be mentioned in the publications issued by the competent authority , and in particular in the patents and the specifications relating thereto .

  14. 第十八条发明或者实用新型专利申请的说明书应当写明发明或者实用新型的名称,该名称应当与请求书中的名称一致。

    Rule l8 The description of an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall state the title of the invention or utility model , which shall be the same as it appears in the request .

  15. “用于专程序的公布”,指专利申请文件或专利说明书的官方公布或官方公开供公众查阅;

    " publication for the purposes of patent procedure " means the official publication , or the official laying open for public inspection , of a patent application or a patent ;

  16. 专利权利要求书以专利说明书为依据,说明专利保护的范围。

    The claims shall be supported by the description and shall state the extent of the patent protection asked for .

  17. 因此这个工人不但可以依赖其本行业的普通知识,而且可以依照专利权所有人在该专利说明书中所附的结构草图来进行实验。

    So the workman has not only the common knowledge of his trade to help him , but he has also the example shown by the figure attached by the patentee to the specification .

  18. 不过,专利部门警告称,专利申请公开说明书将更早发表,因此专利细节可能会被竞争对手发现。

    Patent offices warn , though , that public disclosure will come earlier so details may be discovered by competitors .

  19. 与其它技术领域相比,化学技术领域的发明专利具有一定的特殊性,这些特殊性决定了在化学领域的发明的专利申请中,说明书对充分公开判定标准具有更强的依赖性。

    Since patents of chemical inventions have some special characteristics , the standard of sufficient disclosure is much more important for specifications of chemical patent applications than for that of applications in other fields .