
zhuān lì xǔ kě
  • patent license
  1. 自主创新能力、专利许可与市场结构

    Licensee 's Innovation Ability , Patent License and Market Structure

  2. 专利许可合同民事责任的立法研究

    Research on the Legislation of Patent License Contract Civil Liability

  3. 如果胜诉,诺基亚将有权对iPhone上市以来售出的所有3000万部iPhone手机收取专利许可费。

    If successful , the lawsuit could entitle Nokia to a licensing fee for all 30m iPhones sold since its launch .

  4. 利文斯目前在TimeInc.纽约办公室的专利许可部门工作。他谈到了写这本书时所面临的挑战,例如从遥远的地方描写中国,语言的精准度以及在故事中发掘人的元素。

    The author , who works in the licensing division at Time Inc. in New York , talks about the challenges of writing about China from afar , precision of language and finding the human element in a story .

  5. 爱国者还对戴尔(dell)、索尼和三星提出类似主张,但表示仍然希望这三家公司能够与之展开专利许可谈判。

    Aigo has also approached Dell , Sony and Samsung with the same claims , but says it still hopes those three could be open to licensing talks .

  6. 该标准的提出既改变了第一代信源编码技术落后的局面,也解决了AVC专利许可问题死结。

    The proposal of this standard not only changes the lagging situation of the first generation source coding technology , also it avoids the heavy burden of patent fees of MPEG-4 and H.264/AVC .

  7. 尽管苹果已经购买了相关技术的专利许可,但Lodsys首席执行官马克•斯莫尔声称,所有使用应用程序内部购买的开发者也都应该向Lodsys付费。

    Even though Apple has licensed the technologies at issue , lodsys CEO Mark small is claiming that every developer that uses them also owes lodsys a cut .

  8. 我看见标题中有一项是专利许可。

    I see you 've got patent clearance as a heading .

  9. 国外企业专利许可行为及其机理研究

    On the Mechanism and Behavior of Patent Licensing of Foreign Firms

  10. 专利许可中权利滥用的法律规制研究

    Research on Regulating Abuse of Patent in Patent Licensing by Law

  11. 第三章梳理了国际电信联盟的专利许可制度。

    The third chapter combs the ITU patent licensing system .

  12. 典型视频标准专利许可协议的比较

    Comparation of Typical Video Standards Patent Licence Agreements

  13. 专利许可中专利权滥用行为的反垄断规制

    The Regulation on the Abuse of Patent Right in Patent Licensing by Antitrust Law

  14. 任何衍生产品都因此得益于此专利许可证。

    Any derivative work , then , gets the benefit of the patent license .

  15. 此案于2015年12月达成和解,两家公司之间达成了一项专利许可协议。

    It was settled in December 2015 with a patent licensing deal between the companies .

  16. 技术标准与专利许可策略

    Technique Standard and Patent Permission Policy

  17. 二是专利许可证贸易;

    Trade under patent license ;

  18. 专利许可的反垄断审查认定包括本身违法以及合理原则。

    The rule for antitrust review of patent licensing shall include per se illegal and reasonable analysis .

  19. 研究什么样的专利许可契约有利于促进高校专利实施具有重要的实际价值。

    It has a great practical value to study what kind of patent licensing can put university patent into practice .

  20. 专利许可,其实质是专利权人将其拥有的专利使用权有偿地转移给被许可者的一种契约。

    Patent licensing , virtually is a contract with which a patent holder transfers the use of his patent to the licensees .

  21. 我们进一步发现,不完全信息下,政府采用财税补贴和人力资本补贴政策,可以提高国内企业专利许可谈判能力。

    We further find that under the condition of asymmetric information , the government subsidies can improve the negotiation ability of domestic firms .

  22. 它以专利许可收益为基础发行资产担保证券为企业融通资金提供了切实可行的途径。

    It issues asset & backed securities based on patent license revenue , so provides a practical way for enterprises to circulate necessary funds .

  23. 商标独占许可&依据本协议的专利许可协议,用乙方商标销售许可产品。

    An exclusive license to use Trademark in marketing Licensed Product according to the terms and conditions of the Trademark License Agreement attached hereto .

  24. 高通严重依赖专利许可收入,鉴于中国快速增长的电子产品制造商数量众多,该公司将中国列为一个重要市场。

    Qualcomm depends heavily on revenue from licensing its patents and counts China as a key market given the number of fast-growing Chinese electronics manufacturers .

  25. 我们希望避免这样的风险,即自由软件的再发布者以个人名义获得专利许可证,实际上,就是将软件变为私有。

    We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses , in effect making the program proprietary .

  26. 三是以不低于专利许可使用费用的合理数额作为赔偿额。

    3 , take the sum of money not short of the expense paid for the use of the patent as the amount of the indemnity .

  27. 地址的专利许可费用,造成2001人口普查的结果在几个快速变迁的大都会极为不理想,例如曼彻斯特。

    The cost of licensing addresses was one reason why returns from the2001 census were so poor from several fast-changing metropolitan areas , such as manchester .

  28. 兼容成本是在位企业开放技术标准允许进入企业兼容时,进入企业向在位企业支付的专利许可费。

    Compatible cost is the patent fee paid by new entrants to the incumbent firms when the incumbent firms open its technical standards to new entrants .

  29. 本文主体主要由以下部分组成:第一部分是关于专利许可使用权出资的基本问题。

    This paper mainly consists of the followingcomponents : The first part is about the basic problems of the investment of patent right ' slicensed using .

  30. 爱立信指控中兴通讯拒绝签署一项专利许可协议&根据这样的协议,中兴通讯须向这家瑞典集团支付专利权使用费。

    Ericsson has accused ZTE of refusing to sign a patent licensing agreement under which the Chinese telecoms equipment maker would pay royalties to the Swedish group .