
zhuān lì quán qī xiàn
  • duration of patent right
  1. 第五章专利权的期限、终止和无效

    Chapter V Duration , Cessation and Invalidation of Patent Right

  2. 专利权在期限届满前终止的,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。

    Any cessation of the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council .

  3. 授予专利权的期限是7年,摊销时间也必定不能长于这个期限。

    Patents are granted for a period of 7 years , and the period of amortization must not exceed that period .

  4. 那时候,专利权的期限为17年,相对于科技的高速发展而言,是比较短的。

    At the time , the life span of17 years for a patent was short compared with the rate of advance of the state of the art .

  5. 第四十二条发明专利权的期限为二十年,实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权的期限为十年,均自申请日起计算。

    Article 42 . The duration of patent right for inventions shall be twenty years , the duration of patent right for utility models and patent right for designs shall be ten years , counted from the date of filing .

  6. 这就是说,我对专利权的有效期限持怀疑态度。

    That said , I am skeptical about the length of the patent term for pharmaceuticals .

  7. 四法域在是否享有优先权、享有优先权的性质以及享有优先权的专利类型和优先权期限等方面存在不协调和冲突。

    Many conflicts of law including the conflicts of priority in patent systems will come into being unavoidably . There exist conflicts in aspects of whether enjoying priority , quality , type and time limit of enjoying priority .

  8. 专利法通过设置专利权保护期限、行使方式来鼓励专利创新,促使新的产品市场以及技术市场的产生,有利于消费者福利。

    Patent law had better setting patent protection and exercising way and prompting new product patent innovation and technology market produce market and to consumer welfare .