
zhuān lì zhènɡ shū
  • letter patent;patent right;patent
  1. 专利权质权的设定不以移转专利证书的占有为必要。

    It 's not necessary to transfer the possession of letters patent for the creation of the pledge right of patent right .

  2. 英国第一台打字机专利证书是一七一四年颁发的。

    The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in1714 .

  3. 领到保险单、抵押单据、专利证书

    Take out an insurance policy , a mortgage , a patent

  4. 2006年,获得技术发明专利证书。

    In2006 , we attained technical invention letter of patent .

  5. 重亿版图相簿:国际专利证书及展览相片。

    The international letter of patent and exhibition photograph .

  6. 转租权利〔商业租户〕专利证书及商标转让

    Re-letting right [ commercial tenant ] assignment of letters patent and trade mark

  7. (五)伪造或者变造专利证书、专利文件或者专利申请文件。

    Counterfeiting or transforming any patent certificate , patent document or patent application document .

  8. 专利证书及商标转让

    Assignment of letters patent and trade mark

  9. 专利证书记载专利权登记时的法律状况。

    The patent certificate records the law status of the time when the patent was registered .

  10. 水上悬人和变脸是阿峰获得第一个专利证书的全景幻象。

    The levitation and face change illusions are the first patented whole scene illusion show invented by Feng .

  11. 甲方授予乙方独占许可证,利用上述专利证书中的发明专利制造产品。

    Party A grants Party B an exclusive license to manufacture products by using the invention of the said letter of Patent .

  12. 发明人有权要求在专利证书上记载自己是发明人。

    The inventor shall have the right to be mentioned as such in the patent . Have the payments been properly entered up ?

  13. 其中实木复合地板获实用新型专利证书,强化复合地板获国家质检合格建材绿色环保产品。

    Parquet utility model patents , which were certificate , the State Administration of quality supervision , the laminated flooring was qualified green building materials products .

  14. 这些事项应在主管机关的出版物中,特别是应在有关的专利证书和说明书中予以载明。

    These particulars shall be mentioned in the publications issued by the competent authority , and in particular in the patents and the specifications relating thereto .

  15. 对这一主张最有力、最直接的证据就是出示产品的专利证书或者商标证等一些知识产权证明。

    And presentation show of some relevant intellectual property evidence such as patent certificate or trademark certificate of the goods is the most powerful and most directly evidence for this assertion .

  16. 要是想得到王子或者公主的头衔,唯一的方法就是女王发布专利证书,此前伊丽莎白就为乔治王子发布了证书。

    The only way the baby could become a prince or princess is the Queen chooses to issue what 's called a Letters Patent , which she did for Prince George .

  17. 目前为止,公司已拥有14项实用新型专利授权证书,1项发明专利通过实审即将授权。

    So far , the company has14 patents of utility model authorized certificate , one invention patent through the reality is authorized .

  18. (四)标明专利权的商品广告,应当提交专利证书;

    For the advertisements which indicate patent rights of commodities , patent licences shall be presented ;