- patent application;application for a patent

The Empirical Study of Drivers of Regional Patent Applications Based on SEM
FDI , Foreign Patent Applications and Technology Progress in China
The Application of Improved BP Neural Network in the Prediction Of the Increasing Rate of Patents Received Time Serial
Relationship between the numbers of patents applying and expenditure on three RD activities
However , for a long time before the case of State Street Bank in 1998 , the nonobviousness examination standard of computer software patent was not paid attention to .
The JSP container 's translation framework and the Web container 's extension processor framework are subjects of U.S.patent applications filed by IBM .
The Relation among Sources , Purposes of RD Expenditure and Output of Patent Application on Research Institutions
Apple filed several patents in the past that have proven not to be indicative of the features in its next iPhone .
In the established equation , patent is dependent variable , it stands for innovation of private enterprise . Science and technology personnel input and capital input of private enterprise and FDI are independent variables .
The present article relates to a study on the problems associated with the priority in international patent applications ( PCT applications ) .
Furthermore , the patent application doesn 't necessarily mean the next iPad will come with a stylus & perhaps it will happen in the distant future , perhaps never .
South Korea , second in the Pisa list , has an enviable knowledge economy , for example in terms of patent applications .
ZTE and Huawei , two of China 's largest telecoms and electronics companies , topped the 2016 rankings for corporate patenting compiled by the Geneva-based UN agency .
In addition , the level of intellectual property rights of one country has effects on its innovation ability , technology import and foreign patent applications , which have influence on the absorptive ability of FDI technology spillovers .
The new patent links Apple to startup company WiTricity , which first debuted its wireless-charging technology at the2009 Technology Entertainment and Design Conference .
PPL , the company that cloned the sheep named Dolly has applied for a patent that includes cloned human embryos as intellectual property .
Elena Novelli , lecturer at Cass Business School in London , is more measured , saying : " Certainly , the number of patents filed is a metric , but it is not the ultimate metric . "
The algorithm is one of main research objects of EDA research department in a communication equipment manufacture company , and it is certificated by some experts in the company , meanwhile it has put in for patent .
When obtained the result about the causal relationship between patent and FDI , the paper does regression analysis of the equation , and the result shows that the relationship between patent and FDI was not significant , but they change in the same direction .
The establishment of USPTO 's nonobviousness examination standard for the software inventions experience a tortuous process . The primary standard was vague .
Purchaser agrees to acknowledge ATCC and any contributor indicated by ATCC as the source of the Material in all publications and patent applications that reference the Material .
It found worldwide success by inventing a device that transformed the way people listened to music.Now a patent application submitted by Apple has revealed its plans to help teach amateur singers how to hit the right pitch and key by iPpod and iPhone 。
His patent application included pages from a lab notebook he said demonstrated that he was doing Crispr genome editing even before the 2012 paper was published .
With patent applications becoming sophisticated and huge , it is never possible to find out in which cases companies have used the information from TKDL .
Agricultural innovations in areas such as GM crops have rapidly increased in number over the past decade , said CCIPA researcher Liu Lijun .
There has been a huge jump in biomass , too .
Genre Analysis of Abstracts of Technical Disclosure in Patent Application Specification
What documents are required for filing a Chinese patent application ?
Who decides if the patent application is novel and practical ?
In contrast , hydro-electric and tidal patents decreased during 2009 .