
xià hé jiǎo
  • Mandibular angle;angle of mandible
  1. 结果下颌角间宽与其各项指标均呈正相关。

    Results The breadth between bilateral angle of mandible are related to all various of index sign .

  2. [病例报告]给例1右下颌角处皮下肿物、例2后颈部皮下肿物均做了穿吸细胞学检查。

    CASE REPORT The first case is subcutaneous swelling at right angle of mandible , the second case at the rearward of cervix and fine needle aspiration were performed in them .

  3. 下颌角的CT三维重建模拟整形术

    Virtual mandibular angle reduction plasty with a 3D model based on CT data

  4. 超声及下颌骨X射线评估下颌角磨削去骨及隆颏前后的咬肌变化

    Masseter muscle changes before and after angle-grinding ostectomy and chin augmentation : Evaluation by ultrasound and X-ray

  5. 结果(1)共有2例2侧下颌角骨折,4例4侧髁状突骨折X线片和CT片报告不一致;

    Results Two mandibular angular and three mandibular condylar fractures failed to be revealed on the X-ray or CT scans .

  6. 颏顶点、下颌角点均表现为X、Y轴向的正位移,Z轴向的负位移。

    Results Gnathion and gonion showed positive displacement on X and Y axes and negative displacement on Z axis .

  7. 方法:对102例在中国医学科学院整形外科医院颅颌面中心行下颌角截骨整形的患者做三维CT检查,并对其颅面结构进行三维立体测量。

    Methods 102 cases of prominent mandibular angle patients who had mandibular angle osteotomy in Plastic Surgery Hospital were examined by three-dimension CT and three-dimension cephalometry were carried out .

  8. 结果:标准头颅侧位片定位耳点及眼耳(FH)平面的准确性、左右下颌角区的重叠均高于临床片。

    Results : The orientations of porion ? FH plane and the superimpositions of left and right gonion point on modified standard radiographs were more veracity .

  9. 结论1、下颌角骨折愈合过程中双钛板内固定可以导致TGF-β1和bFGF表达增强,从而促进骨折愈合。

    Internal fixation of double titanium plates may lead to a higher expression of TGF - β 1 and bFGF in mandible angle fracture healing , thus Promote fracture healing . 2 .

  10. 初步可以判断SSRO与下颌角整形术后血供可以恢复。

    SSRO can determine the initial plastic surgery and mandibular blood supply can be resumed .

  11. 方法应用计算机图像处理技术,在PC机上完成CT标准数据解读,实现颅颌面骨架结构的二维显像和三维重组,并应用于放射性眼眶、眶外伤和下颌角肥大的整形手术治疗。

    Methods By computer tomography , we developed the software system on PC environment for CT data manipulation and processing , for two and three-dimensional imaging and practical measurement and analysis in the reconstruction of the irradiated enophthalmos , posttraumatic orbital deformity and prominent mandibular .

  12. 方法:采用双能X线吸收测量仪(DXA,骨密度仪),测量右侧髋部与左侧下颌角的骨矿物密度。

    Methods : Measuring the bone density of mandibular angle and coxofemoral region with dual energy X ray absorptiometer ( DXA ) .

  13. 以不同力量撞击10只山羊一侧下颌角部,方向平行于下颌角&颞下凹中点连线,间接造成TMJ损伤。

    Indirect trauma of the goat temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) was created by the impact to the mandibular angle with different strength of force , applied from an angle glenoid direction .

  14. 下颌角外侧板矢状劈开截骨组:术后面下部宽度为(11.200±0.675)cm,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    And those postoperative values were close to normal . In another group , angle splitting osteotomy group , postoperative width of lower face was ( 11.200 ± 0.675 ) cm , and statistic analysis showed significant difference from preoperation ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 入院查体:左颈部近下颌角处可见一3.5cm×6cm包块,随脉搏搏动,听诊无血管杂音。

    A 3.5 cm × 6 cm mass in left cervical angle of mandible was observed to beat with pulse without vascular murmur .

  16. 结果:灌胃15d后,立体显微镜下可见,模型组大鼠下颌角下缘和下颌孔上缘有骨膜下骨吸收区存在;

    RESULTS : After 15 day of the administration of retinoic acid , bone resorption regions in subperiosteum were seen in the lower border of mandibular angle and the upper border of mandibular foramen in the rats of model group under anatomic microscope .

  17. 结合快速原型技术进行下颌角肥大矫正

    Correction of prominent mandibular angle with aid of rapid prototyping technique

  18. 口内入路下颌角肥大缩小术并发症的六项预防措施

    Six Preventive Measures of the Intraoral Prominent Mandibular Angle Reduction Complications

  19. 口内入路双侧颧骨和下颌角截骨矫正方形脸畸形

    Square Face Deformity Corrected by Intraoral Bilateral Malar and Mandibular Osteotomy

  20. 磨削法在下颌角肥大矫正术中的应用

    Application of Grinding Method in the Correction of Prominent Mandibular Angle

  21. 下颌角截骨面下部轮廓重塑的研究

    The Research of Basifacial Contouring Sculpture by Mandibular Angle Osteotomy

  22. 低角组上颌前突,下颌角缩小。

    The low angle group showed maxillary prognathia and small mandibular angle .

  23. 单纯下颌骨磨削法矫治下颌角肥大

    A simple abrasive osteoplasty for the prominent mandibular angle correction

  24. 方法:采用口内入路方法对下颌角肥大进行弧形截骨手术。

    Methods Mandibular angle prominence were treated with the Intraoral curved osteotomy .

  25. 切除肥大下颌角之骨块用于颏成形术

    Genioplasty with being cut bone in the correction of prominent mandibular angle

  26. 汉族人下颌角测量及其数据相关性分析

    Measure of mandible of han nationality people and pertinence analysis

  27. 三种入路下颌角肥大截骨术的比较

    Comparison of three approaches in osteotomy for prominent mandibular angle

  28. 下颌角肥大整形术临床解剖学研究

    A clinical anatomy study on surgical correction of the prominent mandibular angle

  29. 两种手术方法矫正下颌角肥大的比较

    Comparison of Two Kinds of Methods for Correction of Mandibular Angle Protrusion

  30. 三维重建模拟技术在下颌角缩小整形术中的应用

    Clinical application of 3D-CT reconstruction and computer simulation in Mandibular Angle Reduction